The new guest

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"Mr Yagami, care to explain?" Hayate asked. "Care to explain why you were sneaking around our porch?"
"Hey Mr Ninja!" Iori said.
"Yagami..." Kyo said, annoyed.
"Okay fine," said Iori, thinking of a way to explain. "We just wanted to see what happened to Kula. When we heard that she has been rescued by ninjas, we wanted to see who those ninjas were."
"So are you telling us that you were concerned for Kula?" Foxy asked doubtfully to which Iori nodded. "Unbelievable..."
"Yeah I couldn't believe it too," said Kyo. "I didn't know that Yagami could have a... soft spot?"
"Well yeah," said Iori. "Who could help not liking Kula?"
"You... you actually like me?" Kula asked in surprise.
"Well yeah you're so sweet," said Iori. "You reminded me of Aiko a lot."
"Phew glad that it's just a sisterly love," said K' under his breath, hoping no one would hear. But Seirah heard it.
"Hah I knew it!" Seirah said suddenly. "I knew it!"
"Knew what?" Kula asked. "Seirah, tell me!"
"Oh it's nothing," said Seirah. "But K' has a lot to tell you."
"Seirah no!" K' said, disappointed with his sister. "I didn't say anything!"
He pulled his sister's clone out onto the porch. He started shaking her.
"What's wrong with you, huh?" K' asked while shaking her by the shoulders. "What did I ever do to you? WHY ARE YOU RUINING ME?!"
"I didn't do anything!" Seirah said while laughing at her brother. "But tell me, it's true right?"
"Whatever," said K'. "Okay fine it is. But don't do this, please!"
"Fine I won't," said Seirah slyly. "But I will do something else."
"Seirah!" K' said and pushed her off.
He stomped back in and Seirah was just outside, laughing uncontrollably.
"Oh this guy..." Seirah said, wiping away her laughing tears. "I should do something."
She went back in too. Iori and Kyo were still trying to explain to them about their arrival.
"I never expected this from you, Yagami," said K'. "No one did."
"Neither did I," said Kyo. "But then again, no one expected Yagami to dress up as Miss X before this..."
"Kyo!" Iori shouted, slapping. "I had no idea what happened. In fact, it was all a nightmare!"
"Yeah yeah whatever," said Kyo, amused. "All the girls claimed to have seen you and told us how lame your disguise was..."
"I don't even know how I ended up wearing that sailor dress!" Iori defended himself. "Well, Terry was there too, you know. But he looked like an actual girl!"
"Well I saw you too," said Kula to his surprise. "I instantly knew it was you! That guy with the bangs that control fire!"
"Alright now so what should we do?" Hayate asked. "We are gonna leave for Ireland in a few days, in our private jet."
"We will come," said Foxy. "We will come with you to make Donovan pay for bringing Kula here!"
"Yes we will come too," said K'. "For the same reason."
"We will come too," said Iori. "We wanna see who that Donovan guy is!"
"Wait what?!" Kyo asked. "Yagami?"
"Oh come on, Kyo," said Iori. "It would be fun! Just imagine, Ireland. It's such a beautiful country. Besides, you can learn something new, like Dornálaíocht, which is Irish boxing."
"Hmm in that case, sure I will," said Kyo. "I must say, Yagami, you're a lot better than before. Why the sudden change?"
"I don't know," said Iori with a shrug. "Maybe because I lifted the Orochi curse?"
"Maybe?" Kyo said. "You aren't as bad and as annoying as before, Yagami."
"First of all, can you stop calling me that?" Iori said, annoyed. "My parents named me Iori for a reason."
"Okay fine, Iori," said Kyo. "So I guess all of us are going to Ireland then."
"Well you're the one who chose to," said Ayane. "If anything goes wrong, you have no right to blame us."
They discussed a bit longer, and Iori and Kyo decided to stay at a nearby hotel while K', Seirah and Maxima stayed in Foxy, Diana and Kula's temporary apartment.
Just as they left, they had another guest. It was Hitomi. She came quite late, around eight.
Ayane was outside with Kasumi, trying to fix the gate that they accidentally broke when releasing that ninpo spell on Iori and Kyo.
"Drat this gate," Ayane said, annoyed while trying to fix the hinges. "Kasumi, hold the gate properly."
They very so concentrated in fixing the gate that they didn't notice Hitomi just standing behind them.
"Gah, what are you doing here?" Ayane asked in surprise. "It's really late too."
"Hi Ayane, hi Kasumi!" Hitomi greeted them. "Is Ein- I mean Hayate with you?"
"Of course he is, this is our house!" Ayane said. "Of course our brother lives with us!"
"Oh sorry, Ayane," said Hitomi in dismay. "I didn't mean to disturb you."
"Ayane..." said Kasumi and then turned to Hitomi. "He's inside, Hitomi. I'm sure he'll be delighted to meet you."
"Thanks Kasumi!" Hitomi exclaimed happily and went in. "I brought you some strawberries!"
"Hey what about me?" Ayane asked, letting go of the gate, causing it to almost fall on Kasumi, who quickly caught it. "Nothing for me?"
"Yes there is," said Hitomi quickly. "I brought you a nice big bottle of cream soda."
"Well that's good," said Ayane. "All I need now is some ice cream, and we're good to go!"
"Oh I've got some right here," said Hitomi, holding up a plastic bag. "I brought you a nice tub of vanilla ice cream."
"Wait only strawberries for me?" Kasumi asked jokingly. "Now that ain't fair!"
"No I've brought you a few nice cans of cafe au lait," said Hitomi. "You like them right?"
"Aww I was just messing with you Hitomi," said Kasumi, letting go of the gate, causing it to fall on Ayane. "Oh sorry Ayane. Thanks Hitomi."
"Hold the gate properly, Kasumi," said Ayane. "Now look what you've done. You almost dropped it on my foot!"
"Hey you threw it on me," said Kasumi. "And you didn't even apologise! At least I did!"
They started quarrelling and Hitomi just left them to fight and went inside. Hayate and Hayabusa were chilling on the couch, drinking the extra drink in the jug prepared for the guests, but left untouched.
"Alright now that's refreshing," said Hayate, drinking the iced lemon tea that Sakura prepared. "I was afraid that there wouldn't be enough left for us."
"Hey Ein- I mean Hayate," Hitomi said, suddenly appearing next to them. "How are you doing?"
Hayabusa was in the middle of drinking the cold drink and choked on it when he saw Hitomi there. He started coughing because of it and Hayate threw one of the cushions at him.
"Hey Hitomi," said Hayate. "What are you doing here?"
"Well I came to Miyama for a Karate competition and I decided to drop by," said Hitomi. "I brought some stuff too."
"Oh you didn't have to," said Hayate. "Anyway have a seat."
Hayabusa had finally recovered from his coughing fit and he threw the cushion back at Hayate, who kicked him when Hitomi wasn't looking.

Dead Or Alive Fanfiction X The King of FightersTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang