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They went back to the hotel where Foxy and Diana were waiting for them. When they arrived, they immediately started bombarding them with questions.
"How did it go?" Foxy asked. "Did you finish him off?"
"Yeah we did," said Hayate. "We finished him off perfectly."
"Is Nameless okay?" Diana asked. "Isolde was worried sick for him."
"Yeah I'm okay," said Nameless. "It's a good thing Isolde came just in time to save me. And please, call me Zayn."
"Okay we will," Foxy said with a smile. "Looks like your intuitions were right, Isolde."
"Yeah it was," said Isolde. "The Alphas drained Zayn's energy with one of their moves! Also, look!"
Isolde's hair turned blue and she made ice crystals like how Kula did.
"Your powers!" Diana said in surprise. "They're working!"
"It's like you always said, Diana," said Kula. "Emotion plays a big part in one's powers. I didn't really understand it at first, but I do now."
"Glad to hear that," said Foxy, ruffling Kula's strawberry blonde hair. "Anyway, Isolde, congratulations."
"Oh and by the way, we told Rig about Donovan's death," said Kasumi. "He's Donovan's son by the way."
"Oh what did he say?" Diana asked. "He must've been sad for his father's death..."
"Nah," said Ayane. "The guy's really happy about it."
"Oh really?" Foxy said, not in the least surprised. "Well, I don't blame him..."
"Neither do us," said Hayate with a shrug. "He's throwing a party in New York this weekend."
"Wow he must be really happy for it then," said Seirah. "So are you going?"
"You bet!" Ryu chimed in. "I could really use a party right now."
"Me too," said Maxima, leaning back. "What do you say, Dash?"
"Actually, that does sound better than being called K Dash," said K'. "Sure, I need some fun too."
"Do they have ice cream?" Kula asked. "I would definitely come if they have ice cream!"
"Can I come too?" Krizalid asked. "It's been a while since I went to a party."
"I dunno, you have to ask Seirah," said Kasumi. "We're fine with it, and I'm sure Rig wouldn't mind too."
"Ya don't have to ask me, you know," said Seirah. "Just come."
" So you accept me?" Krizalid asked. "As a brother? As family?"
"Oh bother, can someone please tell him?" K' said. "This guy seriously doesn't know how to take a hint..."
"Well, I never expected this from you, Aibou," said Maxima. "But it does feel better now."
"Can I come to the party too?" Kyo asked. "I mean, I had a hand in this mission too."
"Kyo..." Iori said, annoyed. "You seriously wanna go?"
"Oh come on, Yagami," said Kyo. "You don't wanna party?"
"Okay fine," said Iori. "Yeah I need a break after all of these too. Maybe I should throw a party too, for successfully lifting the Orochi curse."
"Go right ahead," said Ryu. "We might come too."
"Well, you should come," said Iori. "You literally sponsored us a free trip to Ireland."
"And I didn't learn anything here," said Kyo, dismally. "You said I could learn Irish boxing and stuff but turns out I didn't!"
"Well, you have plenty of time to," said Ayane. "We're not leaving till this weekend and the week's just started."
"Yeah and we might come back after the party," said Kasumi. "Although, that isn't likely..."
"Why of course it is," said Hayate. "We're gonna have a two week holiday here."
"Really?" Kasumi asked, thrilled. "Thank you, Hayate Niisan!"
They all took a shower and changed into more comfortable clothes before going to dinner. They all ate more than they usually did.
"Gosh it feels good to finally eat after all of that excitement," said Ayane. "And I didn't even know that I was this hungry!"
"Me neither," said Honoka and burped. "Can I have more of those cream puffs?"
"Yay ice cream!" Kula said and ate bowls and bowls of ice cream. "Can I have some of that apple cake too?"
"Since when do you eat stuff besides ice cream?" K' asked. "All the time I only see you eating nothing but ice cream and sweets. What's different now?"
"Oh don't ask," said Diana. "It's all the ninjas' training. They somehow got her to eat something besides ice cream and sweets."
"They must be miracle workers," said Maxima. "Remember how hard we tried? And at the end it didn't even work..."
"I know right," said Foxy. "But they somehow managed to..."
"You're still as childish as ever since the last time I met you," said Krizalid. "You never changed at all. Well, a bit, but for the better."
"Well you too, Mr Krizalid," said Kula. "But still like wearing those really long coats..."
"That's it, why do you only call me uncle?" Maxima asked. "I'm the same age as Krizalid, but you never call him uncle, why?"
"That's because you look old for your age, Max," said Krizalid. "Even I thought you were at least ten years older than me. And when I saw your bio, I was shocked to see that you were my age..."
"Maybe I have to ask Dr Makishima to change my face to look younger," said Maxima. "This face looks way too old for me."
"Oh come on, dude, you look fine," said K'. "I like your face. You don't look old, you're just mature, idiot."
"Thanks, Aibou," said Maxima. "But I still can't forget how Terry just came to me and asked me for fathering tips..."
"Well, he's a good father," said Krizalid. "How's Rock?"
"Well he still lives with the Bogards but we never saw him out much," said Foxy. "He was our neighbour back in Miyama."
"Oh so he lives there now," said Krizalid. "Well, I think I should visit him one day."
"We should," said Seirah. "Well that reminds me. Remember how Kyo and Iori went to his house as a cover up to follow us?"
"Oh I do!" said Kula. "That was really funny! Hahahaha!"
"Yeah it was," said Maxima. "Bet poor Terry didn't actually recognise these two and even when he did he must've been really confused at how they became friends..."
"Seriously though, how?" Krizalid asked. "I mean Iori lifted the curse and stuff, but still, how?"
"As if we know," said K'. "You better ask them yourself."
They went back to their rooms after dinner and then decided to plan their holiday in Ireland. They were looking forward to it because it was their first time travelling on a vacation since their vacation in the Venus Islands.

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