Isolde is worried

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"Okay few hours more, and we'll get our revenge," said Hayate, during lunch. "I can't wait to get my hands on Donovan."
"Aren't we supposed to like... act like we're moving in?" K' asked. "Like we only brought our overnight bags with us..."
"We moved in yesterday, remember?" Krizalid remembered. "He doesn't know that we're only here for the night."
"I think we better wear masks or something," said Mist. "Especially me."
"Yeah you better," said Sakura. "Come to our room later, we'll help you to dress up."
"I think I need some help too," said Honoka. "I'm not really used to wearing a ninja suit..."
"Don't worry, we will," said Ayane. "We'll equip you with weapons too!"
"Well we don't even need weapons," said Nameless, blood red flame forming on his gloved hand. "We are weapons..."
"Well same here too," said Daisy. "Only, we don't have pyrokinesis like you guys."
"It's a good thing NESTS didn't lay their eyes on you guys," said Kasumi. "They would've tortured you."
"Well, we know how it feels too," said Nameless. "I was born there, imagine that."
"Well at least I had a happy life before NESTS," said K'. "They just kinda raided our house and took us!"
"They made me believe that K' was my clone," said Krizalid. "Turns out, it was the other way around..."
"Well I volunteered myself to become a cyborg," said Maxima. "I wanted to change my identity to avenge Rocky."
"Nobody asked you, idiot," said K'. "Well, it was kinda bad for me back then. But luckily I ditched that stupid place..."
"Well I don't actually know what went on with me," said Kula. "All I know is that they tampered with my mind to make me act like mindless minion with Candy. Gosh I miss her..." 
It was like two in the afternoon and they were really looking forward to their retribution. Especially the shinobi team. They were gonna go back to their village only after a few days because they actually wanted to have a nice and relaxing holiday in Ireland for a few days more.

Meanwhile in the hotel...
They had all gathered in Foxy and Diana's room because they were kinda bored and Isolde was stressed out and worried for her boyfriend.
"I don't know why, but I feel like I have to go!" Isolde said. "It's just that, I have this gut feeling that someone besides Donovan is gonna die if I don't go!"
"Oh come on, I don't think anything of the sort is gonna happen," said Kyo. "Kasumi is a fortune teller. She would've known if there was something bad that was gonna happen."
"Yeah what if only her fortune is good, and not Zhe's?" Isolde said. "I feel like something bad is gonna happen to him!"
Isolde started panicking and crying at the same time. She had a vision of Nameless dying in an accident while trying to defeat Donovan. She also had a vision of the others bringing him back, dead and started crying even more.
"I think we should take her," said Iori. "If this goes on, she's gonna have a serious mental breakdown..."
"Are you crazy?" Kyo asked. "We have no idea where that place is!"
"I think you should go," said Diana. "Isolde might pass out or... or worse!"
"Yes that's true," said Foxy. "Especially since she needs time to heal after coming back from dead."
"Yeah," said Seirah. "One of the test subjects at NESTS even died out of despair. We must take her."
"Yeah we have to," said Iori. "She's gonna be super scared until they come back."
"But where are they?" Kyo asked. "Like, how do we know the exact location of the house? We don't even know what it looks like!"
Seirah had an idea. She got up and opened the hotel room door to leave.
"Where are you going?" Diana asked.
"Wait," Seirah said and left the room.
She went to Krizalid's room and unlocked it. He had given her the keycard in case she needed to get something or if he needed something from his room. He was just lazy to bring keycard with him so he just gave it to her.
She went in and looked for his laptop. He left it behind because he thought that he didn't really need it.
Seirah found his laptop bag hidden behind a pile of clothes. He hid them there in case the housekeepers ignored the do not disturb sign and came for room service, which he greatly disliked.
She brought the laptop back to Foxy's room after locking the door. They stared at her in surprise when she came in with the backpack.
"Now what's inside that?" Iori asked.
"It's Krizalid's laptop," said Seirah. "Remember when he said that it's the house that he was planning to rent?"
"Yeah," all of them said in unison.
"Well, then he probably searched for it with his laptop," said Seirah. "We'll just look for the place in his browser history and we're good to go."
"That's a great idea," said Foxy.
They watched her take the laptop out of the bag and turn it on.
"Please don't have a password," Seirah kept saying under her breath as the laptop was booting. "Oh come on..."
The laptop booted and to their dismay, it asked for a password.
"Oh great, what do we do now?" Iori asked. "How are we gonna know where they are?"
"Wait let me try something," said Seirah, typing something on the keyboard. "Let me try K's password..."
Password is incorrect.
"Okay, what about my password?"
Password is incorrect.
"Okay, what about... Chrysalis?"
Password is incorrect.
"Ugh do you guys have any suggestions?"
They just shrugged and shook their heads.
"Wait I have one," said Kyo. "Try... project K' children. That guy's obsessed with NESTS, remember?"
"Was," Seirah corrected and typed his suggestion. "Now that's a lame password, but I'll try just in case."
Password is incorrect.
"I think I'll just ask him," said Seirah said started texting him. "What... is your... password? I wanna... use your... PC. Okay, now we wait for the answer..."
A few minutes later, she got her reply.
"Okay thanks Krizalid," Whip said while typing the correct password. "There, that's better. Eww there are crumbs on the keyboard! He must've been eating while using the PC the last time, gross!"
His password was FallenAngels2310. He had a small obsession for fallen angels for some reason. No one knew why.
She searched his browser history and found the link for the rental website.
"Yes! I've got it!" Seirah said in triumph, clicking the link. "It's the last thing he searched."
The page was loading but the computer showed a message that kinda caused them to panic.

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