Rig's report

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"Wonder what's going on in New York..." said Kasumi. "Rig said that Helena is at the lab or something..."
"Yeah he said that NiCO is resurrecting Helena's mother," said Ayane. "Wonder how that went..."
"Hey girls," said Hayate, coming into the girls' room with Hayabusa. "Our friend Rig is calling."
"Oh speak of the devil," said Ayane, getting up from the bed with Kasumi. "Wonder what he's up to."
They went to the living room together while Hayate answered the call.
"Hello Rig," said Hayate, putting the phone on speaker mode. "Anything big going on?"
"You bet!" exclaimed Rig. "Lots of big stuff has been happening!"
"Well, mind telling us?" asked Ayane.
"Let me start from the beginning," said Rig. "So, Helena's Mom has been resurrected. Helena was super tired out and NiCO made me send her to the MIST medical facility."
"Poor Helena..." said Kasumi. "How is she now?"
"Better," said Rig. "Anyway, I left her at the medical facility and was commanded to go back home. On my way home, I came across a Japanese girl with long black hair."
"Who?" asked everyone in unison.
"Helena's half sister," said Rig. "It was Kokoro. She confronted me and demanded to know what I did to Helena. She saw the footage of me taking a tied up Helena out of the building."
"Then?" asked Ryu. "Did you tell her?"
"Yes I did," said Rig. "She went to the medical facility but Helena wasn't there."
"Oh no what did they do to her?" asked Kasumi, worried. "Did they try to clone her too?"
"What?" said Rig. "No no none of that... They brought her back to the lab to see her mother. They were waiting for her mother to gain consciousness."
"Then what about Kokoro?" asked Hayate. "Don't tell me you just left her confused at the medical facility?"
"Nah the doctors told her that she was in the lab," said Rig. "They sent her there. Kokoro thought that Maria was actually Helena's sister when she first saw her..."
"Yeah I get that a lot too," said Kasumi. "Anyway, continue."
"So the experiment was a success and Maria came back alive," said Rig. "And they lived Happily ever after, the end. Okay I'm just kidding... NiCO asked me to help her with resurrecting her father and is currently unconscious in one of the glass chambers."
"So you're still in the lab, helping her with it?" asked Hayabusa. "You're still there, huh?"
"Nah," said Rig, much to their surprise. "I'm currently at the Armstrongs' place."
"Hiya ninjas!" said the Armstrongs together.
"Wait so you're telling us that you just LEFT her at the lab, unconscious in a glass chamber?!" asked Ayane, shocked. "So isn't that like a very dangerous thing to do..."
"Nah," said Rig, confidently. "The machine said it would take 24 hours or something."
"I'm still not quite convinced..." said Kasumi. "Like what if the machine... exploded or something?"
"No it won't," said Sakura suddenly. "The machines would automatically turn off and release NiCO when the process is complete."
"That's a relief," said Kasumi. "So at least now you won't get caught that you're with us..."
"Actually the cat is out of the bag," said Rig and was followed by a few gasps and shouts. "NiCO already knows that I'm no longer being mind-controlled. She also somehow knew that I got immunity for it from Lisa. She is actually keeping it as a secret for me..."
"She's a weirdo..." said Ayane. "Like, she does evil stuff, and now, she's helping? What's even going on in that blue head of hers?"
"Even though she works for MIST, she isn't loyal to the company," said Daisy. "She's just using them for her experiments."
"Yes and she doesn't actually care what goes on in the company," said Sakura. "But why is she so nice to Rig though?"
"That's because a few years ago, I saw a girl taking samples from the oil platform that I was working at," said Rig. "Then she said she needed a sample of crude oil, but she wasn't allowed in as it was too dangerous. So I got it for her."
"Let me guess," said Hayate. "That 'girl' was NiCO?"
"Correct," said Rig. "I couldn't recognise her now because, one, she was younger back then, two, she had long brown hair, and three, she wore black framed glasses. She definitely looked different back then..."
"So you're actually old friends then," said Ryu. "It's a small world, huh?"
"I completely agree with that," said Rig. "I was really shocked when she called me Rig suddenly instead of junior or whatever... then she told me this and it finally dawned on me."
"Wow..." said Mist. "So I guess it's a bit of luck that she's actually grateful for your help?"
"Kinda I guess," said Rig. "But I still don't know what's the deal with Snowy..."
"Who's Snowy?" asked Kasumi.
"That lady with white hair," said Rig. "Seriously, she still creeps me out..."
"Well, same here..." said almost all of the ninjas at once.
"I can never forgive her for kidnapping Honoka like that," said Ayane. "That poor girl didn't even know what was going on!"
"Who's Honoka?" asked Rig. "Is it Pinky?"
"Why do you have a name for literally everyone?" asked Hayate. "Wonder if you have any special names for us..."
"Not really..." said Rig. "I know all of your names, so I don't actually call you guys anything besides that."
"You sure about that?" asked Ryu. "Something tells me that you named me something very unpleasant..."
"Oh look at the time!" said Rig suddenly. "It's really late here, in New York. Talk to you soon!"
He immediately hung up, leaving the ninjas confused.
"Yep he definitely named me something unpleasant," said Hayabusa. "I can just feel it..."
"I feel like he named all of us something..." said Hayate. "Like, maybe Ayane is violet or maybe flower kunai. Kasumi as amber or maybe ribbon or blue girl or something like that. And then maybe he named me headband or katana? And maybe he named Ryu as green eyes or ponytail or full mask maybe?"
"Why do I feel like that's actually true?" asked Kasumi. "Like especially the amber and ponytail..."
"Well I don't mind being nicknamed Violet," said Ayane. "But flower kunai is too much..."
"Let's just hope he has good nicknames or no nicknames for us," said Hayabusa. "I don't wanna be called ponytail just because I have long hair..."

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