Pleasant dreams

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"How long are you guys gonna stay here?" Krizalid asked, drinking his sports drink after swallowing his butter sandwich cracker. "Judging by what you guys did in the other two states, you guys must be leaving tomorrow?"
"No not this time," said Hayate. "There are five people in this state that matches his blood type. We haven't seen all of them yet."
"Oh alright then," said Krizalid. "How many of them have you guys investigated?"
"Three," said Maxima. "There's two more. One lives in Lismore and another lives in the countryside in Ringville."
Krizalid thought for a moment.
"Can I come too?" He asks after a moment of thoughtful silence. "I feel like I need to help you guys in some way too."
"Yeah especially because you gave me a nightmare this morning," said Kasumi, giving him an annoyed look. "I was super creeped out!"
"It isn't my fault that I came in your dreams," said Krizalid. "Anyway, what did I actually do?"
"You really wanna know?" Kasumi asked and he nodded. "What about you guys?"
Everyone agreed to listen to her story. They were all bored, especially because of the poor WiFi coverage in the hotel. They had all gathered to chat in the middle room which was Kasumi and Ayane's room.
Krizalid even brought some snacks and was distributing them around. Suddenly he didn't seem so bad to them, especially because they finally knew who he really was.
Kasumi began her story, exaggerating it a little bit more than it actually was.
"And then he showed his face," said Kasumi. "But the thing is, he had no face! His face was black and shadowy, and he looked awfully scary. And then he started strangling me!"
"And then?" Krizalid asked.
"He became Ayane!" Kasumi ended lamely. "I woke up and found her shaking me."
"That does not sound like me," Krizalid said at last. "I don't do that. What made you think that?"
"Three words," said K'. "Long black coat."
"But it was so cold!" Krizalid said. "I couldn't even breath!"
"So you dislike the cold, Mr Krizalid?" Kula asked. "So you mustn't like me, huh..."
"I never said anything," said Krizalid. "Just because you can control ice, that doesn't mean I hate you."
"Oh okay then," said Kula. "I guess it makes sense. Nameless likes Isolde and K' likes me."
"Right," said Krizalid, noting the glare that K' just gave him and the soft chuckle that his sister let out. "I'll keep that in mind."
They slept peacefully that night. Kasumi had a pleasant dream.
She dreamt that she had went back to her village, back to her home. She was with everyone she loved and cared. They were having a big celebration. Her parents, Hayate, Ayane and Ryu Hayabusa were all celebrating with her. Sakura and Daisy were there too. They became Mugen-Tenshin shinobi. Even Mist.
Suddenly it becomes night. She's walking through a garden. Her garden. Sakura petals fall off the trees as she walks on into the moonlight. Her mind felt relaxed and she even smiled in her sleep.
"I've finally fought you, Donovan," Kasumi thought. "I'm finally free."
She hears footsteps and turns around to see Ryu walking towards her. She smiles as he approached her. Hayate was there too, but he was just standing at the entrance, a warm smile on his face as he watches the two with Ayane next to him.
The dream stops as Kasumi wakes up with a jump. She smiled as she thought about the dream. Something told her that they are getting closer to Donovan, closer to victory.
She sat up and woke Ayane up.
"Wake up, Ayane," Kasumi said softly, stroking her sister's hair. "Ayane?"
Ayane awoke and sat up. She looked at Kasumi in surprise.
"You seem to be in a good mood today," said Ayane. "Had another dream? I'm guessing it's a pleasant one this time."
"It was," said Kasumi. "I dreamt that we defeated Donovan and returned to our home. Our real home. Everyone was there, even the Alphas. They became a part of our shinobi."
"That sounds nice," said Ayane. "What else?"
"We celebrated our victory," said Kasumi. "It felt good."
"Yeah I hope your dream becomes a reality," said Ayane. "Anyway, lets get ready."
They get ready and their brother knocked on the adjoining room door. Kasumi opened the door to see her brother fully dressed, standing at the door.
"So shall we?" Hayate asks and his sisters nod. "Alright then."
All of them were awake and they went down for breakfast. Krizalid joined them. No surprise there.
So they started their search. They searched around Waterford and at last drove to Ringville.
"Alright so this is the last one in Waterford," Maxima says, leading the way. "Who wants to go?"
"I will," said Krizalid, opening the car door.
"I'll come too," said Nameless who came with them this time. "I fell like I haven't done anything here."
The two of them walked towards the cottage. There was a farm there too.
"Are you sure this is the place?" Hayate asks Maxima. "It seems too... not Donovan-ish."
"I agree," said Ayane. "He seems to be the type who's obsessed with technology and stuff."
"My fortune says that it would be a good day for me and my loved ones today," said Kasumi. "I'm hoping for something."
Nameless and Krizalid walked over to the door and had a small discussion on the way there.
"I think you should take that hood off," said Nameless. "You know, you do look kinda creepy like that? Especially since you're wearing all black?"
"Well, you're wearing all black too," said Krizalid, taking the hood off. "But yeah you're right. You guys thought I was a stalker just because I was wearing this hood..."
They walked up to the house and stopped in front of the door.
"Something tells me we should pose as brothers or something," said Nameless. "We do kinda look alike right?"
"Yes that's exactly what I was going for," said Krizalid. "It seems like a good plan, don't you think?"
Nameless nodded as Krizalid knocks on the door. There was no answer. Krizalid knocks again. This time, a young woman opens the door and instantly the two of them knew that it was the right place. She was obviously the maid or something because she was wearing a maid uniform.
'Yep this is the one,' Nameless thought.
"Definitely the right place," Krizalid said under his breath.
"Can I help you?" The woman asked.

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