Chapter 9

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"I'm not finna sit here and argue with you about some petty shit, Algee." Veronica said, trying to walk away from me.

"Aye bruh." I turned her around. "What the fuck I say about cussing? Chill the fuck out. And you won't let me beat this nigga ass, so no, you not finna meet up with this nigga." I said, standing by the table.

"Bruh just leave me alone. I told you that he just my friend, mane. And even if it was like that, Algee, I am 19!" She said throwing her hands up.

"I don't give a fuck if you 33! If I don't like the nigga, I don't like the nigga!" I yelled.

"Algee, damn! Just chill the fuck out bruh!" She said.

"You taking up for this nigga so bad, you must be fucking him!" I yelled in her face.

She stopped, staring up at me. My face soften seeing her eyes get a slight bit watery.

"Yo! What you doing bruh?!" Myles said, coming down stairs.

"Veroni-" She raised her fist and punched me in the face. Hard.

"Fuck you." She said, and walked straight out the door, wiping her face.

"Bruh what the fuck is your problem? You know how sensitive she is!" Myles said, clenching his jaw.

"I didn't mean it like that." I said, because that was the truth. I spoke without thinking.

"That's what you always say. I gotta go find her. Get yo shit together bruh." Myles said, pushing my chest before walking out the door, closing it.

Fuck, bruh.

I'm walking down the street, dancing to the music I had blasting in my earphones. I don't know why, but today is a good day for me some how.

As I'm walking, I hear this noise, kinda sound like a crying noise. The cry was loud as hell because I could hear them through my earphones.

I follow the sound and see someone with a hoodie on, crying.

I walked up to them to see what's wrong, and see that it's Veronica.

"What the hell?" I mumbled in confusion and sit down beside her.

"Veronica?" I said, and she slightly jumped.

"Shit, Woody, don't scare me like that." She said, wiping her face.

"What's wrong?" I asked.


"It doesn't look like nothing Veronica." I said. "It looks like you've been crying for a minute."

"Just a little disagreement with my brother." She said, messing with her fingers.

I raised my eyebrows and told her to continue, it seems like she needs someone to listen to or something. She told me everything that went down.

"Well, it's Algee. You know he wouldn't mean to hurt you on purpose." I said.

"I know but, I just wish it was different, ya know? All this crying and shit isn't me." She said, resting her head on my shoulder. She talked to me about everything and I mean everything that's worrying her and I just listened because that's what she needs right now, a listening ear.

My Brother's Co-worker (A Woody McClain Story)Where stories live. Discover now