Chapter 31

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BooBae🥰🙄🌚: good morning Ms. Anti🙃.

I looked at my phone and felt my cheeks get hot.

I put my phone down, not even texting back.

I'll text back when I get out the shower.

I grabbed my clothes and everything I needed for my shower.
"I think I need to dye my hair again." I mumbled as I was starting to grow tired of my blond and black hair.


Nick🍃: I got a few on me.

I thought about it for a second, thinking if I really wanted to get high.

: I'll pass.

I grabbed my coat and walked out of the house.

"Say cheeseeee." I said as I held my camera up on Keith, making him do this weird ass smile.

"Ugly ass motherfucka." Luke said, making Keith stale face him.

"Nigga fuck you. Ole black ass." Keith said, shoving him while laughing.

I shook my head while laughing when all of a sudden somebody jumped on my fucking back.

"Oh shit!" I said, stumbling a little but finally I regained my balance.

"Hey Ryyyy." Maddie said, I looked up to see her smiling with her eyes closed.

"Yo ass better be glad I caught my balance." I said as I carried her.

"I'm bored. What are we suppose to be doing?" Maddie said.

"We're just walking since everyone got bored. Well not everyone but you know." Luke said.

"Ight. Race?" I said, stopping, letting Maddie get off my back.


We all got in line.

"On your mark, get set, go!"

"Bruhhh." Dani said as she rolled over in a little ball.

I rubbed her back as I sighed.

"Maybe if you stretch out, it'll feel better." I said.

"These cramps ain't getting no better bruh. I might as well go to sleep."

I kissed her forehead as she laid her head on me.

I know I wouldn't be able to go through this shit.

"Why you just now answering my calls?!" Woody's loud ass voice boomed into my speaker, making me pull the phone back.

"Bruh Im just now getting off work and couldn't get on break because of them nutass people and you can keep yelling if you want to but Ian dealing with nun of that shit today." I said and hung up the phone, throwing it onto my bed.

My Brother's Co-worker (A Woody McClain Story)Where stories live. Discover now