Chapter 16

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"Why the hell am I doing this?" I said as I declined Woody's call again.

It's been a whole week since the situation with Woody happened and I have been avoiding him.

"It's boring as hell." I said, getting out of bed, walking into the kitchen.

Algee was gone to audition for some movie based on Detroit I think. Maddie was with her mom, Dani was working on her applications and Ryan was babysitting her lil cousins. And that left me nothing to do.

As I'm pouring me some orange juice after putting some food on the stove, somebody just had to knock on the door.

"Who is it?" I said, rubbing my eyes, walking to the door.

I stood on my tiptoes to see who it was.

"Damn." I said, and fixed myself up a little then opened the door.

"Wassup?" I said.

"Wassup?" Woody said, smiling, leaning on the door.

"Um, Algee's not here." I said, looking down at my feet, then back up at him.

"I know. What, I can't come in?" He said, slightly chuckling.

"I mean, yeah." I said, face palming myself as I move to let him in.

As I close the door, I turn around to see him staring at me with his hands in his pockets.


"So, what? You been avoiding me?" He said, walking up to me.

"What you talking about?"

"I've been calling you for a whole week, but you always decline it." He said.

"I didn't get the calls." I lied.

"You're not a good liar but imma let it slide." He said, uncrossing his arms.

"Come here." He said.

"What?" I said, still standing where I was.

"Come here." He said, lightly grabbing my hand, pulling me into a hug.

"I didn't know I had your little ass scared." He chuckled.

"I ain't scared." I said.

"Then why you running from me?"

"Ain't nobody running."

"Yeah, Ight." He said, letting me go. "So what were you finna do?"

"Well I had me some food on the sto-, wait, my food!" I said, running out of the living room to see my sausage almost burnt the fuck up.

"Shit." I said, turning of the stove before it got too bad.

"Awe shit, my bad." Woody said, making me glare at him.

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