don't walk out on me

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                                                                   NIKKI SIXX

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Cherrie sighed quietly to herself as she looked down at the clock on her bedside table , the red flashing lights showcasing that it was yet again 3 am .

this was the third week in the row that she had slept alone , nikki only stumbling into bed in the morning when she was already asleep . 

she couldn't even talk to him about it seeing as he slept all day before leaving before she could confront him about his recent behaviour.

she was worried about him but most of all she was tired , tired of feeling like she was the only one trying to make this relationship work .

all he did was go out and party , drink and so on , he hardly ever even spoke to her anymore unless he wanted something.

every insecurity was rushing through her mind , did he not love her anymore? was she not enough?

was he cheating on her ? there was plenty of prettier girls than her that would do anything to be with him .

cherrie had done everything she could for nikki and all she was getting was pushed away .

she had moved into his home with him after he begged her to , claiming he 'couldn't live without her' and needed her by his side.

and she had easily agreed, she would have done anything for nikki .

but fast-forward six months later and it seemed that nikki was doing all that he could to stay away from her .

she felt cold and used , like she wasn't important enough anymore for him . a feeling that she never wanted to feel again .

she rolled her eyes to herself as a loud crash came from downstairs notifying her of his arrival and she tiredly got out of the bed.

sliding on her fluffy dressing gown , she slowly opened there bedroom door and peered over the banister , seeing nikki stumble into the front room .

"nikki?" she called out to him annoyed , his head snapping up to hers , squinting in the dark .'

nikki only groaned as he struggled to take his shoes off , clinging onto the back of the couch so he didn't fall over.

cherrie watched him struggle for another minute before sighing to herself and quickly making her way down the stairs to help him .

"where have you been nikki?" she asked him quietly as she helped him take off his leather jacket , before placing it gently on the table.

nikki looked at her blankly before groaning

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