rolling stone

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                                                          SEBASTIAN BACH

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Sebastian choked on the beer he was drinking , his eyes widening in disbelief as Rachel patted his back with a laugh .

"dude are you alright?" he asked him concerned as he coughed loudly , his eyes watering and his face flushing pink.

he could only gape at the woman across the room in silence , not believing that he was just a few feet away from Cindy lee , the woman of his fucking dreams.

"Rachel." he breathed out , an excited smile growing on his face as he smacked his friends arm quickly .

"that's Cindy fucking lee!" he gushed in awe ,

Rachel looking over to where he was pointing with amusement written all over his face.

"oh shit , it is!" he laughed in realisation,  suddenly understanding why his friend looked like he was going to pass out.

it was no secret that Sebastian was a little bit obsessed with Cindy lee , one of the biggest supermodels out there right now.

she was tall, with long caramel coloured hair with the brightest blue eyes you would ever see .

she was every mans wet dream , and she knew it too.

the singer had every single magazine she had been on and even had one of his favourite shoots of her blown up on his wall in his bedroom .

he had always wanted to meet her and it seemed as if his luck had finally arrived, so golden and beautiful in the form of Cindy lee.

"jesus." he almost whimpered as he watched her slide off her leather jacket , revealing her skin tight , short black dress . 

Rachel snickered loudly at his friends expression having never seen him so speechless , nudging his arm to get his attention.

"are you gonna go talk to her? this is your chance man!" he encouraged him with a grin , understanding  why seb was so obsessed with her . 

she was beautiful that was for sure.

he quickly nodded and stood up from his seat , startling those aorund him .

"hell fucking yeah ." he exclaimed jumping over the couch as he hurried away from the table , not wanting to lose sight of her.

Rachel could only watch amused as his friend tripped over his feet trying to get to her , wishing he had some popcorn to watch the show.

Sebastian took in a deep breath , shrugging his shoulders back as he tried to gather all of his confidence before tapping her shoulder gently.

Cindy turned around curiously , a smile pulling at her lips as she looked back at him .

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