Chapter Eight

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Chapter 8

The next morning is here, and Alana is up and ready for anything. Taking her shower and getting ready for Thomas to come home, which he does very early. Walking in and going straight to their bedroom, where Alana is there getting dressed for the day.

"How was your trip?" Alana asks.

"It was good, how was your few days?" Thomas asks.

"They were good, I know you just walked in the door, but I do want to have that conversation you said we would." Alana springs on him.

"You don't waste any time, do you, Alana? I just got here and you're starting?" Thomas says.

"I know if I wait you are going to just ignore me, like always."Alana comments.

"Ok, what do you need?" Thomas asks taking a seat on the bed.

"I want us to go away together, even if its just one night. I want to be alone with you, do something romantic. Work on our sex life." Alana admits.

"Work on our sex life? I know we don't have sex very often but I don't think it needs work. I like it how it is." Thomas comments.

"I know you do, I would just like to add some spice in it. Maybe a different position? Something new? Wouldn't you like to spend more time together?" Alana asks.

"I suppose, it's not asking for much. I can get away a night this week, and we can go to a hotel in the city. We can have a nice meal and then stay in the hotel for the rest." Thomas suggests.

"That sounds great, Tommy can stay with your parents. We can see if we can get closer." Alana states.

"Alana we been married for fifth teen years, we are close. I think sometimes you overdramatize things. You watch way too much tv, thinking all the romantic crap is real. Real-life isn't like that, work, kids, life takes over. We have real things that matter." Thomas remarks.

"I know we do, but the other would be nice once in awhile Thomas. We never had that and I would like it. It has to be somewhat realistic, others have it." Alana responds.

"They don't for long, but I will play along in your game. Be ready Wednesday night. I will go to my parents tomorrow and let them know that Tommy is going to stay with them." Thomas says.


Alana just finishes getting dressed, not sure what to really feel. Yes, she got Thomas to give in to the night, but she doubted it would be romantic or even bring them closer. How could it? He thought everything was fine and was ok with it. There wasn't any getting through to him, he thought what she wanted was just a game. Something not real, where she knew deep down it was. It had to be. There had to be more than this?

When she talked to Luke, he never said anything like that, he said there was such a thing, even giving examples. They were so different from each other.

The day goes on, Thomas sitting at his desk doing his work, Tommy playing is video games and Alana doing chores. The only time getting to see each other was at dinner. Thomas would ask Tommy all about his week, how school was going, and if everything was ok. Even taking time out to play some basketball in the yard with him. He had the time for his son, Alana just wished he would have some time for her? Then when she would sit down and really think about things, did she? What would be the point? What did they have in common? What was there to really talk about? It always seemed like lately, it would only turn into a fight. Maybe there wasn't anything to work on, maybe Thomas was right, it wasn't realistic at least wanting these things with him.

Maybe Judy was right and it was time to look for someone who could give her the things she wanted. Maybe she found him? So many questions run through her mind, she can't even answer them all. She has no answers to give. She would just see how Wednesday would go, maybe she was just overreacting and not giving him a chance?

That just makes her smile, remembering that Luke told her something like that. Give him a chance. Maybe he was right. She sits there in bed, missing their conversations, hoping he is having a nice night, that maybe he is doing better than she is.

At Luke's home, him and his wife are sitting down to watch tv together. Whitney is a tall, thin blonde with blue eyes. She is very pretty. Tonight was Saturday night, and they would try to spend some time together. Luke was happy with that, wanting to be around her. They put on their favorite shows, sitting on the sofa cuddling up. Luke's marriage was a bit different than Alana's. He had what she wanted, he just didn't get it as much as he wanted. They talked, shared things, he would hold his own stress and hers. Yet, he still thought about Alana, and if she was doing ok.

"How was your week?" Whitney asks.

"It was ok, and yours? I didn't see you much this week." Luke says.

"I been running on double shifts, it's been really busy at the hospital. I am so tired I am going to go to bed early. I need all the sleep I can get." Whitney answers.

"I know you do, it was nice watching tv with you and spending some time together," Luke replies rubbing her arm.

"Yea it was, I am going to bed, I will see you tomorrow." She answers kissing his head and going up to bed.

Luke just sits there continuing on watching tv as his wife, heads to bed. There was no sense in him following, sex wasn't happening. It didn't happen very often, she was always tired. Or at least giving that excuse. He would try to be playful, and she would just laugh at him, walking away. He wanted more, he yearned for more. He was a young man, filled with energy and sexual desire, and none of it was getting fulfilled. In that, Alana and him were the same.

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