Chapter 2: Lift-Off

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Meggy: (pointing) ...YOU?!...

???: That's right, Spletzer, We're back... and you'll have to deal with us for the whole time we are on that ship.

Mario: Oh Hell no...

Tari: Meggy, are these people the people I think they are?

Meggy: (angered) Yes...they are...

Axol: Oh no...

Killer Ink Team Leader: It is I! Killer Ink Team Leader! But it'll be "Leader" to you, Spletzer.

Meggy: No!... No! I'm not dealing with these idiots again!

Meggy storms off out of the theatre, fuming. She kicks over a small Quantum Poster Panel on the way out. The panel falls over and cracks onto the ground. Sending glass all over.

Mario: Meggy!- (turns to Leader) You Bitch! Why'd you have to even show up to the kingdom?

Leader: Well, we would've got the tickets whether we were still in Inkopolis or not. So... in short... we would've ran into you one way or another.

Susan: We helped build the arks. So E. Gadd gave us free boarding passes onto any ship we choose.

Kevin: And of course, we chose the one you guys were assigned.

Mario: Just why? Why torment us more than you already have?

Jane: We just want to give her hell after humiliating us at Splatfest. That was 5 years ago give or take, but she still deserves what's coming.

Mario was starting to fume himself. Just hearing this group of inklings made him want to give them hell himself, especially because they insulted his closest friend.

Luigi: Mario. Don't.

Axol: Come on, Tomato, let's go before they cause any more trouble.

Axol puts an arm around Mario, hoping to escort him and his attention away from the team of inklings.  Mario gives in to Axol and Luigi and starts to walk away with them.

Leader: Tell that anime girl we said hi.

Mario: (starting to rage and turns to face the team) She's...Not...Anime...

Leader: Why not? Look at her!

Kevin: She's still a freak.

The team starts to laugh at Kevin's remark from five years ago.

Mario: (with fists clenched) Grrrrr...

Axol: Mario, don't!

Susan: Aww, is Ketchup man getting angry? It's so cute.

Mario: (eye twitching) Stop it...

Leader: What do you even see in her still? She's nothing more than just a prop in your lives now.

Mario: (rushes to Leader and pushes her over) Ha!

Leader: (with a look of surprise) Gah!

Leader falls backwards and lands on top of the glass pieces left behind by Meggy's tantrum and immediately, glass shards pierce her thin skin and blood was visible in some of the shards where she lay.

Leader: (in pain) Ow! What the hell!?

Jane: What was the for!?

Mario: (face red with anger) Take it back, Squid!

Kevin: (sarcastically) Oh, no, we are so scared.

Leader: (grimacing) That's not the nicest thing to say to our kind...Red...

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