Bonus: Twisted Memory

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-2 Weeks ago-

It has been almost two weeks since Meggy was locked away in her room. Mario was starting to get quite uncomfortable knowing she was locked away, but couldn't go to see her. He always asked someone every night to go and see her, but it was always a "no" or "screw off, Mario" response. He had spent over a week sneaking around the ship past midnight to knock on other doors around the area in hopes of minding Meggy. On day 9, he found a room, but it wasn't what he expected.

Mario: (knocking on door)

???: (tiredly) What?

Mario: M-Meggy? Are you in there?

Mario heard stirring in the room and he takes a step back from the doorway and stands up a little straighter. The door starts to rustle a bit and Mario started to sweat.

Mario: (thinking to self) This is it. I have finally found her.

The door opens to reveal not Meggy, but Leader.

Mario: Megg-! y...

Leader: (bored) What do you want?

Mario: (downcast) You're not Meggy...

Leader: Of course I'm not her! I ain't touching you, Red!

She slams the door shut and it hits Mario's foot in the process.

Mario: (in pain) Ow! ...Bitch.

He continues to walk down the halls of the residential areas of the Quantum until he hears a voice behind him.

Tari: Mario? What are you doing up so late?

Mario: (whipping around) Technically it's past midnight, so it's early now.

Tari: (blank expression) Whatever. What are you doing up at this time?

Mario: I can ask you the same.

Tari: I'm getting water.

Mario: Oh. You actually have a reason to be up.

Tari: Are you still looking for Meggy's room?

Mario: No! I stopped doing that...uh...

Tari: You haven't stopped, have you?

Mario: (looking to the ground) No...I'm still looking.

Tari: Why? She's a danger to us, Mario. (pointing at Mario) Especially to you. You are the target of whatever is inside her head.

Mario: I know...and you're right, I shouldn't be looking for her.

Mario starts to show visible tears.

Mario: I just really miss her, and I just want another chance to see her again if this ever becomes permanent.

Tari: (kneeling down) Mario, you know that in about two week's time, she will be out and you can talk with her all you want, right?

Mario: I just have a bad feeling about this, that's all.

Tari: About Meggy's situation?

Mario: Yeah. I think she could be going insane right about now without seeing...any of us. We are pretty much forcing her to live like she has never met us.

Tari stopped to think for a moment. She thought about letting Meggy out of her room for a few minutes just to keep her, Mario, and maybe even herself sane.

Tari: Mario?

Mario: Yes, Tari?

Tari: How about we go to Meggy's room and get her out for a few minutes.

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