Bonus: What A Starry Night

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The Quantum was bustling with activity as preparations were in full swing to fend off the approaching Cypuler army that was now less than two hundred miles away. Approaching fast, the Cypulers were directed to invade, kill, destroy, and return to Ricitua to report the success. Mario was placed in charge almost by sheer randomness at preparing for the incoming army. Mario, being not ready at all to lead, took the stand in front of his friends with caution and reserve. He looked among all his friends, allies, enemies, and those who could care less and thought about what he was going to say. He thought about how E. Gadd had put him into a position he thought he wasn't ready for: to lead an entire colony ship into a battle of uncertainty.

Mario: ...My friends...and family...we stand here in a precarious situation. One that requires strength none of us have ever used in the past. We look upon an approaching wave of monsters, determined to have us neutralized. I say no to that. I say, we fight...we will defend this Quantum. We will not let some...alien bastards take this place from us.

He turned and look to E. Gadd who stood to the side of him. He silently nodded his head for Mario to keep going. Mario then turned back to the small crowd that stood before him.

Mario: We will not lose what is ours! Today marks a new us. Not a group of survivors, but as a ship. A unity. A family.
We choose to fight not because we are courageous, but because we are afraid. We fear the darkness...We fear everything that is dark...but what does the enemy fear? Light. We need to shine bright in battle. The enemy wants us to lose hope and be devoured by darkness! We as the light need to not let darkness win, but perish in their own shadows!

Some cheers arose from the crowd and eventually, others joined in the cheering and declared that they will defend the ship at any cost. Mario stepped back in nervousness, realizing the short speech he had made and watched the cheering with a shyness he wasn't used to seeing in himself. They were all now pumping their fists into the air like they were a tribe ready to take over the enemy's land. Mario was approached by Luigi, who held his massive shotgun and offered it to Mario. Mario smiled a bit and took the gun out of his brother's hands gently and held it at the ready. He held it across his chest to show it to the crowd. He looked around a bit to watch for anyone who wasn't watching and pumped the shotgun loudly to get their attention. The gun made a loud ringing noise as a heavy metal shell was loaded into the chamber. Meggy then stepped forward, revolver in hand. She loaded a few rounds into it and snapped it to the side to load the gun. She went up to him and stood next to him, signaling that she would join the fight. The others started forming up next to them and pretty soon, people Mario didn't even recognize started lining up next to him and around him, their own weapons in hand ranging from a wooden bat, to a high powered rifle. E. Gadd then stepped in for Mario and yelled out their next move.

E. Gadd: Let's defend a Quantum!

Everyone cheered and raised their weapons into the air. Mario took one arm and raised the shotgun into the air while putting his other arm around Meggy.

Mario: Thanks.

Meggy: For what?

Mario: Do you think everyone else would've stepped up if you didn't?

Meggy: I don't know...maybe.

Mario: You're one of the most badass people on this ship. Of course they'd follow your lead.

Meggy: Who else is a badass?

Mario: I'm afraid Saiko would shred me apart if I didn't label her as one.

Meggy: *giggle* She definitely would.

Saiko: I heard my name?

Meggy: We were just talking about how much of a badass you are.

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