Bonus: The Disappearance of Meggy Spletzer

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- 5 hours ago-

Meggy awoke with a start in the small cabin she was in. Mario was asleep across from her and Axol and Desti were asleep in their own beds as well.

Meggy: What a nightmare...

She brings her hand to her head and feels that it was a little warm from being in the heavy blankets all night and decided to step outside for a moment. She walked over to Mario and placed a gentle kiss on his forehead first before walking out of the small building. It had started to snow, which didn't surprise her because it had snowed a bit the previous day. She walked to the nearest cabin and back a couple times and went back inside her cabin after thirty minutes and sat on her bedside. She looked down at her hand at the ruby-like gem on her finger and thought about the day her and Mario would be married. It felt like a dream come true for her. She was actually going to marry the one person she had been spending time with and cared for most for the past nine and a half years. She got up again and walked over to Mario's bed and sat on the side of it, facing him. She laid down next to him to see if she could fall asleep, but after minutes of laying there, she could not fall asleep. She frowned as she sat back up an stretched and decided to go out again, but she was interrupted by something gleaming out of the corner of her eye. She turned to face the gleam and it was a long metal spike of some sort.

Meggy: Huh. I wonder what you are.

She reached for it and it rose up like someone was lifting it and she jumped and fell back when she saw none other than Traviere standing there, staring her down. She landed on the ground hard and tried to push herself away from him as he just stood there, in his dark armor and the spike she saw was only a part of his massive sword that he carried.

Meggy: W-What do you want?

Traviere looked down to where she just was and saw Mario sleeping peacefully and looked back to her with a silent death stare.

Meggy: N...No...No! Please! Don't!

Traviere: I could just kill him right here and now. Just look at him. Peaceful...Won't even feel a thing.

Meggy: I'm begging you. Don't kill him!

Traviere guided his sword over Mario and hovered it above his body like he was deciding where to strike him and set it to his side when he noticed Meggy was not going to stop her cries and begs.

Traviere: You have no idea how easy it could've been to just kill you all right here and it wouldn't have taken any effort. But now...*exhale* You're awake.

Meggy: I don't want to see you here, dipshit.

Traviere: You have brought me down to my last string, woman. Do you want to know what happens when I lose my temper?

Meggy: haven't lost your temper yet? That's a bold-faced lie.

Traviere stepped forward and grabbed Meggy by the shirt collar and dragged her closer to him. She yelped a bit when she felt his claws piercing through her clothing and she felt uneasy with his face inches away from hers. She could actually see the detail on his face this time. He had multiple deep scars that were deep into his skin, his white eye was in fact a cataract and not just a white eye, the black eye actually had an iris in it, but his pupil and iris were both black, making him seem like he had a completely black eye. His lips were more of a solid flat beak that overlapped each other perfectly. She wondered how he spoke so easily with a beak instead of lips. She was interrupted when she was dropped to her feet and she collapsed to the floor in a heap because she wasn't expecting to be dropped. She took this advantage and pulled out a small knife and slashed him across his thigh and pushed him over, causing him to land hard on his back, the sword barely missing his shoulder when it clattered back to him. He got up instantly in a rage and chased her out of the cabin and into the cold night air. The steady snowfall had now turned into what seemed to be a blizzard and she regretted not having the proper clothing on to be running around in weather like this. As she ran, she saw him appearing all around her. He was creating clones to go after her. She watched as they hovered above the ground, not leaving a single trace that they were there, until she ran into one of them, knocking them both over and the clone fell to the ground as well and climbed on top of her to hold her down.

Meggy: No! Let me go!

Traviere's Clone: You are being a naughty little girl, Megan.

Meggy: That's it!

She kicked her leg up as hard as she could and connected her knee in between its legs and it howled in pain and fell off from her, letting her scramble to her feet.

Meggy: And I'm not little. I'm Twenty six!

She ran in the same direction again and looked over her shoulder to see that Traviere or his clones weren't in her sight anymore and she smiled to herself a bit and turned to run in the same direction again, but slammed her face into something metallic knocking her off her feet and she was airborne for a good three seconds before impacting the ground with enough force to break something. She was lucky that the snow suppressed her impact or she surely would've broken her neck at impact. She started losing consciousness quickly and the last thing she saw before her vision blacked out completely was Traviere standing over her and bringing the handle of the heavy sword down onto her head.

-Some Time Later-

Meggy: *gasp!*

Meggy sprung awake from unconsciousness and found herself in a dark room, seemingly chained against the wall, but the funny thing was: There were no chains. She struggled to move herself, but couldn't muster the strength to. She wondered if she was drugged and her body was paralyzed, but she knew better to think Traviere would drug her. She saw him pacing the corner of the room and walk towards her and knelt down with a tray of food for her. She looked up towards him like he was insane and mustered all the energy she had in her to kick the tray away and the remains scattered across the cell.

Traviere: That was quite disrespectful.


Traviere got up and walked out of the cell and stood at the doorway, looking down at her.

Traviere: Maybe staying here in the dark without your precious plumber will help you, Megan.

He slammed the door shut and Meggy swore she felt an eardrum burst. She cursed out loud and leaned back against the wall, looking up to the ceiling.

Meggy: This can't be happening...not again.

The lights in the cell went out and she was plunged into a thick black darkness...

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