Chapter 16: Multiverse

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Mario and Axol guided Luigi through the halls of the Quantum-7 to take him to the infirmary after finding him outside of the Quantum four days after his disappearance. When they reached the Infirmary, a worried Saiko, Meggy, and Bowser waited there for their arrival. They didn't wait a second to approach and ask Luigi questions about where he's been, what's out in the jungles, and where Tari was. All questions that were answered, led to Luigi breaking down due to him being traumatized by the experience he had while still in the presence of Alphacore and the real Traviere.

Mario: I'm not understanding, Luigi. How did you escape again?

Luigi: Like I said, I shook myself from the ropes and dashed off when they weren't looking. That's all I can recall. It all happened so fast, I don't remember it all.

Meggy: And that's alright, Luigi. We're just glad that you're here in one piece.

Luigi: I just wish I could've gotten Tari out of there too.

Bowser: We will get her out. She's a strong woman. One of the strongest at heart too. She'll be able to manage until we get her out.

Luigi: It won't be easy.

Mario: Why say that?

Luigi: You know those creatures that have been chasing us?

Meggy: ...Yes? Why?

Luigi: Well, they're called the Screa'tal now. And they have a leader where me and Tari were.

Bowser: Great...This is awesome! We have a problem with Traviere already, and now we have to take out some leader of a pack of carnivorous cows.

Luigi: His name is Alphacore. And from what I saw, he works directly with Traviere.

Meggy: You're saying...that we might be looking at another god to take down?

Luigi: Oh this thing is clearly one of his pawns, but Alphacore is no creature to underestimate. He's older and probably wiser than Traviere. Traviere keeps telling Alphacore that he's too old to keep doing what he does.

Saiko: What does he do?

Luigi: ...He...manufactures different technologies...and the craziest of them the meta arm.

Meggy: This thing creates Meta Arms!?

Luigi: Yeah, it does, he claims that he's the original creator of them and gave up when Earth perfected them. He's been on the rampage for someone who is a Meta Runner ever since.

Saiko: And Tari is one of those Meta Runners.

Meggy: We've got to get her out of there!

Luigi: No! It's way too dangerous! something else you need to know.

Mario: What is it?

Luigi: This one is more towards you, Meggy.

Meggy: (concerned and confused) What? What would this have to do with me?

Luigi: You know how Traviere has those sixteen inch claws and spiked crown atop his head? Those are clones.

Everyone: Clones!?

Luigi: Yeah...yesterday, I got a first class view of the REAL Traviere...He's...much taller. Maybe nine feet in height, his claws are closer to two and a half feet in length. His head is decorated with these...fleshy protrusions instead of spikes, and he wears this...armor that glistens in the darkness.

Meggy was shuddering with every description Luigi gave. It really unnerved her to find out that she's never faced the real Traviere, only clones of him.

Quantum: The Complete SeriesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora