Chapter 19: Hypernova

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Mario walked his way to the Launch Seats with E. Gadd in tow behind him. H had just agreed to climb into the Quantum Transporter, a massive engine that could raise its temperatures to highly lethal levels and grind him to pieces if he wasn't careful. E. Gadd knew that Mario was okay with the risk that he may not survive this, but what they weren't ready for, is telling the others about the plan to save them, and the ship. Mario's mind was plugged with multiple ideas and fears of what might come of this stunt he'll be pulling off, and he was starting to worry about if this truly was the best idea to save his friends.

E. Gadd: (solemnly) Thank you again for doing this. I'm not sure who else would've taken the risk.

Mario: Definitely not anyone else. I'm not putting any of my friends at risk.

E. Gadd: Thoughtful of you...but what if you do decide to back off at the last instant? You'll have to choose someone else.

Mario: I will not back down. There's too much at stake to.

They started coming up to the Launch Seats and they found the others standing at the doorway, seemingly waiting for them to arrive.

Saiko: You guys are okay!

SMG4: Where were you, Mario? There was this crazy turning and dodging of massive asteroids. One even hit the Astro Dome!

Mario looked up to see a clear crack across the center of the dome above them webbing across its surface, making visibility a bit less to outside.

Mario: Heh...funny thing...I was actually up there with E. Gadd piloting.

Meggy: You flew the Quantum?

Mario: Not really flew...more like steered.

Luigi: That's still a big thing for you, mario! I honestly didn't expect that.

Mario: Expect what? Me to fly?

Luigi: Well...kinda.

SMG4: Enough chatter...what's the plan now, you two? What are we going to do next to get out of here.

Mario sighed and looked to E. Gadd, who nodded back for him to tell the plan.

Mario: We are going to initiate something so powerful, we will be able to get out of here instantly.

Meggy: How will we do that? The emergency power generators are barely keeping up with lighting the place.

Mario: Me and E. Gadd talked about that...and he told me the only way to do this is to continuously activate Warp Drive up on the Command Deck while...while...Ugh...E. Gadd?

E. Gadd: Someone must go to the Quantum Transporter and manually reboot it from the inside.

Bob: WhAt nOw?

Boopkins: That's way too dangerous! We can't do that.

Meggy: I'm with him on this, that's crazy, E. Gadd. Who's even dumb enough to accept that?

E. Gadd turns to Mario and he meets Meggy's eyes with sadness in them. Her eyes widen in fear and shock when she realizes that Mario was going to be the one to do it. She seemed to hold her breath as she looked at him, Mario tried to smile at her, but could only muster a weak smirk.

Meggy: N-No...No! I'm not letting you do this to him!

E. Gadd: I'm not the one who decided that he should do it.

Meggy then averts her attention from E. Gadd to Mario.

Meggy: You can't be serious, Mario.

Mario: I...I am, Meggy. And you won't stop me.

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