Chapter 8: The Disease

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—1 Month Later—

Engine sounds were vibrating throughout the land of the remote planet, getting louder by the second. Over in the Great Lake, the Quantum-7 was starting it's final preparations for takeoff, but something was still missing: The Radar and Communications Tower. Without them, the Quantum had no communications with Earth or the rest of the colony convoy.

E. Gadd: All systems are a go. Are you guys ready for this?

Chris: (giving a thumbs up) Ready when you are.

Swag: Fuel is at 100% and oxygen levels are sustained at 99%.

E. Gadd: Good. Let's get ready to leave this place. Swag, will you get the passengers situated? And Chris, could you go and find Miss Spletzer? She needs to come out of that room for launch.

Chris and Swag: On it, Captain.

Meggy was in her room, writing everything she could think of into her journal, hoping to use this is a coping mechanism for her loneliness and her slow insanity from Traviere bugging her through her mind.

Day 36 of lock in     April 16th, 2024

I think I'm starting to go insane from all this nonstop talk coming from Traviere. It's all I have been hearing for the past 27 days. The last time I wrote was when Tari decided to break me out of my room one night to see Mario, that was two weeks ago. I haven't been able to see any of them since because Swag had to open is big mouth and tell E. Gadd.  Those three people really piss me off sometimes. I just can't handle them. I just want to have a semi-normal trip across the galaxy. Never thought I would ever say that, but there it is.
To add on to all this madness, I've been hearing from the halls when Swag and Chris drop off my meals that Mario was having multiple nightmares for the past three weeks. It angered me that they would say that loud enough for me to clearly hear them say it. I would usually turn to Traviere and call him out on it, but it got old after the eighth day. I know I have said this since day five of my lock in, but I wish that Mario could be with me at this moment. I need his silly jokes and his extraordinary personality. They both are so adorable to see coming from him.
Scratch that... No. I don't need any of this. I just need me, and my sanity. I can't let Mario be the tip of my mind. I'll go mad and then really get into trouble. What I really can't believe is how I was told by Chris that they had a vote last week about how much longer I would be kept in this room, and he said that the votes were to extend my time by three months. Three months! What friends I've got.
But Mario was the only one to vote to get me out by next week.
Why do I keep writing about him? I can't do this for some time. I'm going to need a break from writing these. I don't need him or my friends. I can get through this on my own, even with Traviere. I'll make sure he keeps his attention away from the others at least.

Meggy: (sitting back) Dammit...

In the back of her room, Traviere was talking to her, but she just ignored him. Until he brought Mario up.

Traviere: (pacing) ...I just can't seem to understand this, Megan. You let yourself kill Mario, but you still revived him? And what did I tell you about getting together with that red plumber?

Meggy: .......

Traviere: Don't ignore me, child. Remember who lives in your mind and can end it in an instant.

Meggy: (turning and shouting) SHUT UP!

Traviere steps back in shock, then starts to laugh.

Traviere: Yes! Let it flow! Let your anger take control!

Meggy: I'm done with you, Black-eyed freak! Get the hell out!

Traviere: (hurt) That wasn't very nice to say now was it, Megan?

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