Chapter 12: The Wormhole to Past Times

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E. Gadd was racing up to the command deck of the ship when he heard Chris' voice over his radio.

Chris: Captain, we can see a rather large black object headed towards us. What do we do?

E. Gadd: (while running) It's not headed towards us. We are headed towards it, and it's a black hole! Steer the ship and engage Warp Drive now!

Chris: On it, sir.

E. Gadd feels the ship starting to turn as he made his way to the command deck. He looked out the glass in front of him and saw it, a massive black hole, but this one was different. It was pulsing and letting out some strange effect on its surrounding areas. E. Gadd then figured that it wasn't a black hole, but a worm hole.

E. Gadd: That's not a black hole.

Swag: Well what is it then?

E. Gadd: That's a worm hole.

Chris: Holy hell! Worms exist in space!? And they get that big!?

E. Gadd: No! Worms don't exist in space! A worm hole is practically a portal.

Swag: Like a portal to another dimension?

E. Gadd: Yes, basically.

Chris: Can we go through it?

E. Gadd: Hell no! We don't even know what's on the other side, or if the ship can even handle the pressure of going through one.

Chris: How much can the ship handle?

E. Gadd: Hmm...about 3 megatons per square foot.

Swag: How much can a worm hole generate?

E. Gadd: I don't know...maybe 250 megatons per square foot? Maybe more?

Chris: That will most definitely kill us all if we went into that thing.

Quantum-7: Warning. Extreme gravitational pull imminent. Initiate Warp Drive now.

E. Gadd: Get that drive online now!

Chris pushes a few switches to turn on the main thrust engines and Swag initiates the secondary and tertiary engines.
The Quantum-7 roars to life and immediately begins attempting to maneuver around the worm hole and escape its crushing gravity.

E. Gadd: Powering on Warp Drive. Hold on!

E. Gadd turns a key to initiate Warp Drive, but the Quantum doesn't respond. E. Gadd turns the key again and a message pops up on a holographic screen. It read: Cannot initiate. Gravitational pull too strong to escape.

E. Gadd:

Chris: That's bad, right?

E. Gadd looks out the glass at the oncoming worm hole and sighs loudly.

E. Gadd: Well...(sigh) It's been a lovely journey with all of you.

Chris: We are just going to give up?

Swag: I can't die yet! I still have so many things left to do in life!

Chris: Calm down! You're going to make it worse.

E. Gadd: He's right, Chris...we cant do anything about our reactions. (sigh) Tell everyone to hold on and say their goodbyes...I can give us five minutes...

Chris: (sadly) Okay...are you sure?

E. Gadd: Yes...I'm sure.

Chris walks slowly over to the comms and weakly speaks into it. Throughout the ship, people heard his message.

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