Chapter 10: The Trial

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Mario and Meggy were laughing together as they made their way into Mario's room. Luigi, who was already in there, was a bit startled to see Meggy in there with them. She hadn't been almost anywhere other than her room, the Launch Seats, or the engine room for over a month.

Luigi:'re...joining us for a bit tonight?

Meggy: Me and Mario agreed that I need some time away from that room.

Mario: Come on, Meggy! You agreed that we could watch a movie!

Meggy: (laughs) Okay! I'm coming, Red!

Luigi: (laughs) Okay you two. Have fun. (sternly) But don't let me walk in on anything or you're both out.

Mario: What!? No! That's not happening yet!

Luigi: (scared) Yet!?

Mario: Okay bye! Gotta go now!

Mario drags Meggy away with her hand in his. Meggy gives Luigi an awkward smile indicating that nothing bad will happen beyond those doors and she would make sure of it. Luigi hopelessly looks back to the tv he was watching and turned the volume up to reduce any possible noises he would hear.
Once situated in the bedroom, Mario took out a TV remote and switches on the flatscreen TV on the wall of the room.

Mario: So what are you in to? Action? Romance? Drama? Mystery? Come on, pick something!

Meggy: (laughing) Woah! Slow down there, cowboy! I need some time to see what's available!

Mario: Okay. I'm just a little excited.

Meggy: That I'm watching a movie with you?

Mario: ...Yes and no. Yes because I get to spend some time with you, and no, because I just have quite a bit of energy left in me from today.

Meggy: You sure are energetic, Red. (looks to screen) Oh! What about that one?

Mario: Titanic!? Seriously!?

Meggy: I've wanted to try watching that movie for some time, but I haven't had the chance to.

Mario: You had all of your life to watch it! It came out in 1998! That's right before you were born!

Meggy: But can we at least try it?

Mario:'s three hours long...and it's got...stuff in it.

Meggy: Sex? Mario, you think I care? Plus, I'm clearly old enough to watch this, I'm 25, I ain't no kid.

Mario: You act like one sometimes.

Meggy: (glaring) You want to go there?

Mario: (scared) take it back...We will watch Titanic tonight I guess.

Meggy: Yes! Thank you Red!

Meggy wraps her arms around Mario and kisses him on the cheek. He feels himself blushing a bit, but pushes it aside as the movie started.

-Two Hours Later-

(Warning: Spoilers ahead for those who have not seen Titanic)

Meggy: No way! Billy is such a dick to her! Why can't Rose just choose the person she truly loves?

Mario: Things were different back in the 1900's. I'm glad that they aren't like that anymore. I would be devastated if I were forced to date someone I didn't intend on marrying.

Meggy: This movie reminds me so much of us.

Mario: What do you mean?

Meggy: Well, take a look. Jack is kind of like you, loving, caring, gentle. And Rose is like me, honest, caring, and quite the badass.

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