Special: A Quantum Christmas

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Meggy: Yes, Mario...I'd love to marry you.

Mario smiled as he pressed another kiss to Meggy's lips and held it for what he wanted to be forever, but she pulled back after a few seconds and spoke softly to him.

Meggy: You have no idea how happy I am right now.

Mario: I can guess. You're probably going to say something like this is the best day of your life.

Meggy: What? No. Today's not the best day.

Mario: *pained* Ouch...

Meggy: The day I met you was the best day of my life.

Mario: You mean all the way back in 2017?

Meggy: It's been a few years, but that day remains the best day of my life.

Mario: How so?

Meggy: Because it's the day I met my favorite red goofball.

Mario: *smiling* I would change so much about your life after that day.

Meggy: I don't think I would be where I am if it weren't for you.

Mario: On a Quantum?

Meggy: No. I don't think we would've ever been on a Quantum if we never met.

Mario: True.

Meggy: What I mean is that I wouldn't have had all these great adventures, silly explorations, and...transformations that made me who I am today.

Mario: You kinda paused there, Megs.

Meggy: Yeah...I just thought about that one year for a second, but it's fine.

Mario: Trauma still there?

Meggy: Maybe a little. It'll always be there, but I can control it. I have been able to since 2020 now.

Mario: Six years ago.

Meggy: Almost seven now.

Mario: It's crazy that it's been nine years since we've known each other.

Meggy: Yeah, and you proposed at least three years late.

Mario: Sorry. I wanted to find the perfect time.

Meggy: And you couldn't have found a better time than this. Thank you, Red.

She wraps her arms around the back of Mario's neck.

Meggy: This was the best proposal anyone traveling the depths of space could ask for.

Mario: Are you saying that it could've been done better?

Meggy: ...No.

They both laughed a bit and Meggy stopped and kissed Mario one last time before letting go of him completely.

Meggy: I think it's time that we rest up for the night. It's been a...very long day.

Mario: Agreed. Proposing to you spent at least a week's worth of energy.

Meggy: I'm that much work?

Mario: Yes.

Meggy: I knew it.

Mario: I would be scared if you didn't.

Mario leads Meggy over to their room and they both climb into bed and could only watch each other until they fell asleep for the night.
During the night, Mario woke up in a similar blackness he did when he would be dreaming or when he had "died" and saw someone walking up to him. He appeared young, maybe a few years younger than him. He wore a torn and ripped Mario's cap and Mario wondered what that was all about.

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