Chapter 9: Warning

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Mario led Meggy through town, keeping his cloak on to hide his face and keep a low profile from the townsfolk. Osiris was tucked into the cloak with Meggy, and cradled him close to her, trying to keep him as quiet as possible. The townsfolk were dressed in either elegant dresses or suits of expensive silk and nylon, making Mario and Meggy feel like they were the odd ones out in the streets.

Mario: Are you sure this is the right kind of disguise we should be wearing? We seem kind of obvious.

Meggy: As long as we make it to the outskirts of town, I heard that it'll be harder to be detected there.

Mario: Well we've got a challenge then. Everyone's dressed like it's a party, and here we are, dressed in rags.

Meggy: We'll be okay, Mario. Just trust your instincts if something feels wrong.

Mario: Everything feels wrong right now!

Meggy: Oh come on. We are maybe four blocks away from the city outskirts. We made it seven undetected already.

Mario: That's still four where we can be detected.

Meggy: You worry too much.

Mario: I'm well aware of that.

Meggy: You seem much more jumpy since you met the Emperor. Why is that?

Mario: Because I know what he's after, while all these people are under his influence.

Meggy: I understand. I don't like any of this either.

Mario: I can't believe that he wants to destroy the Quantums. If the tech here is so advanced, why would they need the tech on our ships?

Meggy: I wish I knew the answer.

Mario: Oh, before I forget...didn't Glitchy say he and Tari would be meeting us at the outskirts?

Meggy: I think so.

Mario: Heard from the others?

Meggy: Not since we were released.

Mario: No Ace? Desti? Luigi? Bob? Saiko?

Meggy: None. It's like they are all the way on the other side of the city. We are lucky that Glitchy and Tari aren't far.

Mario: Have you heard what's been going on with them?

Meggy: Hmm?

Mario: I heard...from undisclosed sources that Glitchy and Tari were having a little-

He notices SMG4 and Tari coming towards them and he quickly changes the topic.

Mario: Soo...Gosh. I wonder where that stupid spicy ramen shop is.

SMG4: Ramen!? Where!?

Meggy: *sarcastically* Nice one.

Tari: I'd kill for some ramen right now. I haven't had that in a long time.

SMG4: Is there actually a ramen shop nearby?

Mario: Heh. No.

Tari: Aww man. That sucks.

Mario: At least I don't know. Aeterna Remedium says it has everything, so you never know.

Tari turns to Meggy.

Tari: Can we please find one?

Meggy: Uh No! Are you nuts!?

Tari: Come on! We can order to go!

Mario: We are not jeopardizing our safety and escape over noodles! Now let's go!

Mario and Meggy walk ahead and the other two start following not long after.
While walking, Meggy sneaks a peek over her shoulder to see SMG4 and Tari joking around as they tried to stay incognito.

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