Chapter 3: A Rough Start To Adventure

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Quantum-7: Please remain seated as docking will occur for refueling in T-minus 5 minutes.

The Ark starts to feel as if it weren't moving almost at all. Meggy could finally regain some composure from the quaking and trembling of the ship only a few minutes before.

Meggy: (Nauseated) Are...Are we done moving?

Axol: No. We seem to be starting rotary tests.

Meggy: What does that mean?

Axol: It means-

SMG4: You will start to feel gravity again soon.

Meggy: Oh thank...

Meggy feels pressure rising from her stomach again and reaches for a bag and vomits for the second time just as gravity kicked in. Everyone was so surprised. The strong and seemingly invincible human was falling victim to motion sickness?

Meggy: ah...ugh... This is going to take awhile to get used to.

Mario: Don't worry, Meggy. You'll get used to this in no time! ...Ngh!

Mario then feels the pressure in his stomach too and grabs the bag from Meggy to vomit himself.

Axol: Good news, Meggy! You're not the only one exposed to motion sickness now!

Meggy: (not pleased) Thanks, Axol.

Quantum-7: Attention, passengers. Docking will commence in T-minus 60 seconds. If you are not seated, please do so to reduce risk of injury.

Toad: I don't give two shits what this "Quarantine" guy has to say!

Toad gets up and out of his seat as the Ark began its docking process. But when the ship's side thrusters engage, Toad is shot to the side and hits the wall, falling unconscious.

Mario: He deserves it.

Meggy: Heh, you're kinda right.

Quantum-7: Docking process complete. Please refrain from going to the blast doors as they open.

Luigi: Why would we have to steer clear from the exit of the ship?

SMG4: It's called pressure, man. When those doors open, an entirely different gauge of pressure will flow into the ship, and if we are exposed to it too fast...then...

Meggy: Then what?

SMG4: You'll either implode or explode from the pressure change.

Meggy: Oh.. that sounds... dangerous.

Mario: Nah, nothing can hurt Mario.

Axol: Seriously, Mario! Space is nothing to joke around with!

Boopkins: So, SMG4, how long does it take for the pressurization to complete?

SMG4: It really depends on the size of the ship and we are in a...(realizing the size of the ship)...really...big...ship.

Boopkins: So just a few more minutes, right?

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