Chapter 6: Busted!

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Meggy and Mario come walking out of the doors and into the foyer of the castle.  Everyone was looking up at them. Even Toad. And that's not like him to be interested in something Mario did.  They tried coming out of the doors one at a time to try to seem less suspicious.

Meggy: We talked, and-

Mario: We agreed that there's nothing going on between us.

A small pause loomed over the group below them.  But Glitchy had something to say.

SMG4: You know what? You two are terrible liars.

Mario: What? No! We aren't lying to you.

SMG4: (in a threatening manner) Don't forget who created you guys and can delete you in seconds!

Everyone: (takes a few steps back from Glitchy)

Meggy: ...Please, Glitchy. Please believe us that nothing is going on.  Mario spilled his emotions out, and... I... told him that it might not work between us.

Saiko: Meggy!? Why didn't you say anything before?

Meggy: (thinking to self) Well, sh**, I didn't expect this conversation to come this far.
(Now talking) I...never had the courage to.

Luigi: It's alright, Meggy. We all understand that you may not be ready for a relationship yet.

Tari: Yeah. It's okay to tell someone that you aren't ready.

Mario: I'm still here

Tari: Oops. Sorry, Mario.

Bob: (cutting Mario's response off) I ThInK tHey ArE lYinG tO uS.

SMG4: (looks suspiciously at the couple) Is it just me or am I actually believing Bob for once?

Meggy: We swear! We are not lying to you guys.

Mario: (changes the subject and trying to make up a lie) Oh, Meggy, Look! The time! We are running late for splatfest training.

Meggy: (looks up at clock) Oh! You're right, Mario.  Well, we'd better get going if we want to get enough hours in.  Hehe. Bye everyone.

Mario and Meggy attempt to make a dash for the door, but are stopped by Saiko and Tari.

Meggy: Now what do you want?

Saiko: Glitchy is right, Meggy. There's something going on here.

Mario: Why does everyone keep telling us the same fu****g thing?

Tari: Sorry you two. But, Meggy, you never organized a splatfest training time for today.  If you did, you would've been out the doors hours ago.

Meggy: (thinking to self) Well, I guess this is it then.

Meggy takes a look over to Mario and he looks back at her.  They both knew exactly what they had to do next.

Mario: Everyone, you guys are right. We-

Meggy: We didn't have splatfest training today. Me and Mario just agreed to go and get lunch together.

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