Chapter 10: A Proposal of Cosmic Proportions

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-Two Days Later-

Pronged: Officer Speith...set directives to these coordinates.

Speith: Yes, sir.

Pronged: And Officer Wenslow, Prepare the Burst Drive.

Wenslow: On it.

Speith: What are these coordinates, Captain? They go to some...small planetoid in the Cierra System.

Pronged: It's where this supposed Quantum-7 is. We will be following them for a while.

Wenslow: How long?

Pronged: Until Travierezaurx leaves them alone.

Wenslow: I'm sure that'll be awhile. You know he doesn't leave his targets alone until they are dead, right?

Pronged: Yes, I know. And I know what you're thinking and we will be returning to the Adron System after we expel his grip on them.

Wenslow: I really hope so. Remember, you promised only two decades up here.

Pronged: And I will be keeping that promise, but if we need to take a detour, we will. It'll only extend our mission by a few months at most.

Speith: I hope so.

A noise goes off and Pronged dashes to a seat centered in front of a wide window that looked out the front of the ship. As he sat down, a holographic table with many keys and buttons appeared in front of him and he tapped a few and moved other things around. Within the minute, the massive ship roared to life effortlessly, and he set the controls to give to his officers and they went to work with much more efficiency than the Quantum Crew, and that's also because each captain and officer in the past had to have at least thirty years of experience before governing such a massive ship.
When all systems were active, the ships exterior hull illuminated a ghostly dark green color before disappearing from sight faster than the blink of an eye.

Many light years away, orbiting a small yellow planet, roamed the Quantum-7 which was now in working order, but the thrusters were still severely damaged from their previous Hypernova, so they wouldn't be able to make it to any of the neighboring planets even if they tried. The launch from the surface of Vara-5 was already almost impossible, so why would they risk damaging the thrusters any more than they already had?

Two days after the crew that had been sent out to see Ricitua for the first time, everyone was now back aboard and Mario and Meggy were up at the front of the Quantum on the Command Deck fulfilling a promise they made to each other when they first landed on Vara. Meggy had Mario pressed up against the wall as she made out with him aggressively. He pressed the kiss back just as forcefully and Meggy turned him around and shoved him where he fell back and landed in the Captain's chair.

Mario: Woah! Uh...Hehe...I know where this going.

Meggy: You always do.

She climbs up onto the chair and sits on his lap and continues to kiss him even more, moving herself closer to him every few seconds.

Mario: You have no idea how much I wanted this.

Meggy: Oh I'm sure I wanted it more than you.

Mario: Lier.

Meggy: Try me.

She started removing her clothing and Mario repeated the same and they were interrupted when Mario heard the radar going off. Something had come within close range of the Quantum and he knew that he had to check it.

Mario: I think I should check that.

Meggy: No you don't.

She grabs the vest that was still on him and pulled it until he was face to face with her and she kissed him some more until they forgot about the blinking radar. She then moved on to removing more clothing off of herself and felt something underneath her.

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