Chapter 9: A Cure

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Shortly after a power outage for the Quantum-7, Luigi and Axol began to vigorously work on finding a cure for the Spark, a virus that triggers depressing and terrible thoughts and memories. Axol was in the middle of testing a sample of his newest concoction, SP-6 when the power outage occurred and it had accidentally spilled over the test subject, killing it immediately.

Axol: I still can't believe that I would spill that onto our test subjects. We only have six left.

Luigi: That means we will just have to observe what happens in these tests better then.

Axol: And I have been observing the tests...very hard. I still can't get anything out of it. Dark Matter is very hard to study, Luigi.

Luigi: I'm with you on that. I can barely get a strand of DNA out of it.

The two keep arguing and talking about the next possible test they can conduct, by then Boopkins arrives.

Boopkins: Guys! The virus! It can spread now!

Luigi: It's mutated? Already!?

Axol: This is...very bad.

Boopkins: I know! I even watched Saiko collapse in front of me.

Luigi: Did you say you watched her collapse?

Boopkins: Yes. Why?

Axol: Were you close to her?

Boopkins: About six feet, why are you asking me this? I'm not even infected.

Axol and Luigi back up a few steps from Boopkins, afraid that they'll catch the virus.

Axol: Boopkins, if you're close to someone who has it, you put yourself at a very dangerous risk of becoming infected.

Boopkins: That can't be! I don't even feel any effects!

Luigi: Did Saiko feel any effects before it hit?

Boopkins: Oh.....She didn't.

Axol: That's because the virus is practically invisible until it strikes.

Luigi: We are sorry, Boopkins, but you can't be in here when you possibly have the virus.

Boopkins: It's alright...I understand.

Boopkins walks out of the room slowly and was moping as he left.

Luigi: Are you sure we didn't hurt his feelings?

Axol: He's strong. He should be fine...I hope.

Even though the Lab was staying pretty calm, the Launch Sector, was a completely different place.

Mario: (crying)

Meggy: (crying)

Saiko: (crying)

Leader: (crying)

Tari: (crying)

Bowser: (crying)

The virus was spreading across to all who were in or near the Launch Seats and each person who had the virus were viewing terrible or violent memories from their past.


Tari was standing in the middle of an open room with bleachers on the sidelines. She had to be no older than 11 years of age. She had a terrified look on her face as her and a team faced against another team. The other team were all at least three years older than her. She was the youngest player on the Silica City BasketBall team.

Teammate 1: You got this Tari! Just don't let the ball hit you in the face!

Teammate 2: Yeah! And don't get squished either!

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