Chapter 5: Goodbye, Solar System

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The Quantum-7 was shooting through space just above light speed. Because of the speed. It was pitch black outside the ship because light couldn't catch up with their speed.

E. Gadd: Chris, I need you to lower the speed as we approach Neptune.

Chris: On it. Just give the word, Captain.

E. Gadd waits for his radar to show the other Quantum ships to appear. Once one appears on radar, he gives the signal, and Chris turns down the speed. Instantly, the ship visibly slows and light bursts into view as they dropped below light speed.

E. Gadd: (covering his eyes) Ahhh! I'm never going to get used to that.

Chris: Didn't you put some sort of special glasses or something for the crew to wear during this time?

E. Gadd: I...did in fact. Actually, where are those?

E. Gadd looks around the area to find no glasses or goggles that would help him with the bright starlight.

E. Gadd: (giving up) No matter anymore, we aren't even in Warp Drive anymore. Where's the Quantum Convoy?

Swag: They should be in orbit around the planet.

Chris: (pointing) There. See the lights?

In the far distance, five faint lights were seen coming around orbit of the large gas planet. E. Gadd picked up his radio to signal his presence.

E. Gadd: Quantum Convoy, this is Quantum-7. Do you read me? Over.

A couple seconds went by and then three Quantum ships replied, signaling their knowingness of their presence.

Quantum-3 Captain: It's good to hear your voice again, Gadd.

Quantum-6 Captain: We didn't lose you? Awesome!

Quantum-1 Captain: Good to hear your voice again, Elvin. Glad you're willing to join us again. How are those passengers in your infirmary?

E. Gadd: They are seeming to do good. The girl is recovering at quite the rate, but the Italian guy, he's...a different story.

Quantum-1 Captain: How bad is it?

E. Gadd: He has been going in and out of consciousness ever since the first warp drive away from Jupiter.

Quantum-1 Captain: Sounds bad. How did he get a concussion?

E. Gadd: He tried to take cover in a stairwell and was shot into a railing when warp drive stopped.

Quantum-1 Captain: Hope that passenger of yours makes a full recovery. You know the risks if he dies on your ship.

E. Gadd: I know. Removed from my position. Sent back to Earth. All that fancy stuff.

Quantum-1 Captain: Don't let him die.

The Commander shuts down the feed and E. Gadd is left talking to himself.

E. Gadd: ...Dammit.

In the Infirmary, Mario was waking up yet again and looks around to see that the lights were dimmed and no one else was in the room.  He felt his head throbbing as his eyes adjusted to the light. He reached for his head and winced at the stitches on his right temple.

Mario: (weakly to self) Seriously? This?

He tried to move on the bed and adjust his position, and sharp pain went throughout his body as something stretched in his side. He winced and crumpled himself and fell off the bed into the floor.

Mario: Ow! Son if a bitch!

Mario heard someone's footsteps rushing into the room to see what was going on. It was Luigi.

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