Prologue: New Beginnings

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Previously, on Quantum:

Red Plumber: What the-? I-It can't be...

Meggy: *slight breath*

Red Plumber: W-What? I can't believe it.

Meggy: *gasp!* *cough* *cough* *cough* *cough*

Red Plumber: Oh my god!  Meggy!?


Mario: I...I can't sleep. Every time I close my eyes, I see the two towers, and the portal that leads to Traviere. Every time I open them, I see him standing over me, waiting for me to see my own death.


The object crawled closer on the radar and she became nervous when she noticed how fast it was going and how close it was getting.

Tari: Uh-oh.

The spear slams into the backside of the small craft, sending her in a small spiral. Oxygen immediately began to leak from the ship and she tried to power on the engine, but the spear had pierced it, making her immobilized.

Tari: Shit. They're going to kill me, and they will never know that it is me in here.


???: Come on...pull the trigger. I can feel it within you.

Meggy: You don't...know...anything about me.

???: Oh...yes I do. Traviere tells me everything about you, Megan. It's like an obsession.


She clearly looked as if she was about to fall over and the creature did a waving motion and the gun itself glowed a green color and immediately, Meggy was overcome by the power again and a bullet ripped through the air. Her eyes widened, not because the bullet had ripped through Mario or herself, but through E. Gadd's chest. He let out a cough before stumbling backwards and leaned against a wall and slid down it until he was sitting on the ground.

Meggy: E. Gadd!!


Tari: ...Grimm...Charolette...Rhykon...
Makhurragon.....these are all names of commanders under the name of...Duratros?

Mario: Who in the hell is that?


Mario points up in the sky and the others look up too to see a massive ship looming over them. It had to be no smaller than a small planet. The underbelly of the ship was covered in turrets, all aiming towards them.

Saiko: Holy shit...that's...that's a lot of guns.

Axol: And the size of the ship tells me there is at least a couple billion of them up there.

Meggy: That can't be possible...


Mario: Wait! What is your actual name?

Pronged: It's just pronged.

Mario: Why not something else? You know that's just a code name.

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