Bonus: Kepler Oh-No!

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The dense jungles of Kepler 69-c loomed over the planets surface with the Quantum-7 in the distance, appearing as a giant behemoth over the already massive trees. The alien sun was a few hours from starting to set on the horizon as rustling was heard from the underbrush below the tree line. It was SMG4 and Mario, running from a strange horned beast.

SMG4: (scared) Hurry! It's gaining on us!

Mario: I'm trying! What is that thing!?

SMG4: I don't know! Did you see any others?

Mario: No, I didn't! But what about the others? Where are they?

SMG4: Never mind them for now! We will have to go back and save them later!

Mario: But what about Luigi, Tari, Saiko, and Meggy!?

SMG4: Like I said, we will save them later!

The two kept running as the strange beast kept gaining on them until it reached out and clawed at SMG4, barely grazing his shoulder and drawing blood. SMG4 let out a yelp in pain as the adrenaline kept him running. Mario, not daring to take a peek behind him, runs further up until he finds a small cave that appeared almost too small for the both of them, but would definitely not allow the beast into the cave with them.

Mario: Glitchy! Look!

SMG4 notices the cave as well and agrees to hide in it until the beast lost interest in them.

Beast: (guttural growl)

Mario: Almost...There...

SMG4: Just...a bit...further...

SMG4 slides into the cave without a problem, and when Mario jumps through the small opening, his leg caught and he felt intense pain as the beast began tearing at his exposed leg. Mario let out screams of pain as his pants were torn and deep scratches were gouged in his bad leg. The beast was only able to get a few scratches in total before Mario slipped his leg into the cave, leaving the beast, screaming in anger at them. It was letting out some sort of angry cry that chilled the two to the bone. The scream had pure hate and a taste for blood in it. When Mario was able to compose himself again, he dared to take a peek at his leg and almost vomited. His leg was pouring blood and multiple sections between his knee and Ankle were scratched and torn. The wound looked worse with his pants still intact around his leg.

SMG4: (distressed) We have to get you to the Quantum. Who knows what that thing could've put in you.

Mario: (wincing and fast paced breathing) It's...fine. Really. It just...really...hurts.

SMG4: Do you have anything sharp on you?

Mario: Yeah. Why?

SMG4: We are going to have to cut away some things to ease the pressure. Look at your leg. It's starting to turn purple.

Mario: Wait, wait...are you saying that you are about to amputate my leg!?

SMG4: Say what now?

Mario: (terrified) Is...that a no?

SMG4: I'm not stupid enough to amputate your leg! Unless it was withering before my eyes or turning a very unnatural color, I'm not amputating anything.

Mario: (relieved) Oh thank god...

SMG4: I'm saying that we need to cut away your lower section of your pants to relieve the pressure. The pants are acting like a tourniquet right now, cutting blood flow to your leg.

Mario: But that's good though, right?

SMG4: It is...but not when it's in multiple spots. I'll tell you what, I'm going to cut the pant leg...what's left of it...until it's just below your knee, then the rest of the pants can act as the tourniquet.

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