1st Anniversary Special: Prologue Replay

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Mario awoke with a start and sat up as fast as he could. He ended up hitting his head on something. It looked like the ceiling of a room. He reeled back in pain, covering his head as he registered what was going on. He must've been on a bunk bed. He turned to his side and noticed that the blankets on the bed were covering him. He also felt oddly comfortable and thought about staying where he was for a minute. He slowly laid back down and let out a soft exhale.

Mario: *exhale* Maybe just another minute. It's been a long day. I need the rest.

He brought his arm over, thinking Meggy or someone else was possibly right next to him and checked for them to be there, but he felt just bedding next to him.

Mario: Huh? I swore I was just with the others-?

He brought his legs over the side of the bed to jump off and felt no ground under his feet as he got up and plummeted five feet to the ground below. He landed on his back with a loud thud.

Mario: *pained* .....Ow.

He then swore he heard footsteps coming towards him and he looked up just in time to see Luigi walk into the room, looking worried.

Luigi: Mario! Are you okay!?

Mario: *pained* Yep...Just gonna feel that when we get back to TM.

Luigi: TM?

Mario: You know: Terras Maiden.

Luigi: Mario? Are you okay? What's Terras Maiden?

Mario: You're telling me...That you don't know what Terras Maiden is? What kind of drugs are you on, Luigi!? We live there!

Luigi: Uh...No we don't. We live in the Mushroom Kingdom.

Mario: Oh no...Those Aeterna freaks probably brain-washed you!

Luigi: Aeterna? What does that even mean? Mario, did you get any sleep last night?

Mario: Last thing I remember was being stabbed in the shoulder with a jet injector.

Luigi: Uhh...

Mario: You seriously don't remember any of this!?

Luigi: I...Think you should stay home today, Bro.

Mario: Stay home? What do you mean?

Luigi: I was going out to brunch with some others, and I was going to take you with, but you should probably get some rest.

Mario wasn't listening and was looking around the room he was in the whole time. He noticed some things scattered about that h hadn't seen in years...almost like he was in his original home.

Mario: Luigi?

Luigi: Yeah?

Mario: What...day is it?

Luigi: It's Tuesday, June 6th.

Mario: What...year?

Luigi: Uh...2022. A-Are you on something?

Mario: I'm not drunk and not on drugs. Something's very wrong. I need to find Meggy and-

Luigi: You? Talk to Meggy? Are you nuts?

Mario: I know that seems weird, but I really need to-

Luigi: Mario, you haven't talked to Meggy in months. What makes you suddenly all for her?

Mario: You've got to believe me on this Luigi. Me and you are part of a colony group and live in a town called Terras Maiden. Before that we lived on a colony ship called the Quantum-7. We faced multiple threats in space and I was the captain until we landed back on Earth sixty four million years in the past.

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