Chapter 7: The Survival Games!

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Mario: ...*gasp!* *cough* *cough* *cough*

Mario sat up as fast he could and opened his eyes to see nothing but pitch black darkness around him. He could hear the mechanical sounds of something like an elevator moving, and the occasional red light he saw meant he was going up an elevator.

Mario: What the!? W-Where?

He brought his hand to his side to search for his shotgun he swore he had in his hands not even a minute ago and it was gone. He started to panic a bit as the speed of the elevator seemed to decrease a bit and a pinhole of light appeared above him and was approaching quickly. He shielded his eyes as the pinhole grew in size and he saw foliage around him as the elevator came above ground and he looked around, squinting still and saw that he wasn't the only one coming up and out of the ground. He saw Desti five elevators to his right, Luigi three to the left, and Meggy...wait. Meggy wasn't there?

Mario: Meggy? Meggy! Where are you!?

He looked over to Desti who had seemed to not notice that he was there yet and when they did meet eyes, he felt a wave of relief wash over him when she signaled that she was okay. Mario was about to step off the platform when it stopped, but something looked off about the ground around the elevator, like it was freshly dug up and replaced.

Mario: Hold on a second...

He looked over directly to his right and saw the person on the platform next to him was clearly thinking about taking a step forward. He didn't recognize the person, but they seemed like they didn't want to be there at all. The person stood completely upright, looked straight ahead, no emotion on their face, and took a step forward. Time seemed to stop when multiple shades of red filled the air as the unlucky soul's body was torn to shreds by bombs. Mario almost fell over due to the impact, but forced himself to stay upright in order to not meet the same fate. He wiped the blood and organ fragments off his face and clothes, trying to ignore the stench. He tried to look the other direction away from the torn up platform and saw two specific people on their platforms next to Luigi. These people looked really, really pissed that they were there. They signaled to each other and Mario knew right then and there that they were...teaming? But why? What was even going on? He shook his head and looked straight in front of him to confirm his questions. A massive cornucopia in the center of the circle of elevators. Piles upon piles of materials, tools, and weapons lay at the ready.

Mario: Uh Oh...

A projection came online above the center cornucopia and Mario jumped a little when he saw that a person's face had appeared in a massive hologram.

???: Greetings, warriors!

Mario: Uh...Warriors?

???: Today, you have been selected to participate in the twenty-seventh  annual Aeterna Remedium...Survival Games!

Mario: The fucking what!? SURVIVAL GAMES!?!

Now he really wished he had his weapons on him.

???: Twenty Three now since someone would rather choose suicide than participate.

Mario: I refuse to participate!

???: You all will compete in the challenge of the year. Twenty four go comes out.

Mario: Uh. What?

He looks around him to his friends and they all had the same look of worry as him. He gulped and looked straight at the projection again.

???: Beginning in two minutes, you all shall commence in the greatest fight for survival ever! Impress us, and we shall reward you with everlasting treasures.

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