Chapter 13: Saving Meggy

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Axol was thrown to the ground and a sickening crack was heard as both his pen and arm shattered on impact. The pen burst into multiple pieces and his arm snapped out of position. He howled in pain as Traviere neared him, sword in hand. Mario fought Grimm's grip to get to his friend, but it seemed like there was little hope for the rescue. Him, Meggy, his friends...They were all going to die, and it would be all his fault.

-1 hour earlier-

The Basroil came to a halt instantly near Ricitua and let off a small shockwave as it stopped completely, sending some small space rocks around them away. Aboard the Command Deck, Mario was vomiting from the G-forces and the others were on the ground, clutching their stomachs from the force, leaving Pronged and his crew standing, watching them. He looks over to one of his crew mates and sees them holding out a holographic tablet.

Pronged: What are you doing?

Wenslow: I'm getting this on camera. This shit is hilarious!

Pronged: Ya know? It actually is pretty funny.

Mario flips him off while he was still vomiting and when he stood, a small drone immediately came by and cleaned up the mess.

Mario: That was not...funny.

Keith: It kind of was.

Wenslow: Have to agree.

Mario: Hmph...

Pronged: They think it's funny because you're the Captain of your Quantum, so-

Mario: Is it okay?

Pronged: Is it okay...Yes it is! I told you that before we left that it would be fine!

Tari: I understand that you say that, Pronged, but what about the way it docked? It's a different shape than all your other ships docked here.

Pronged: Don't worry. Those docking arms can adjust to literally any shape of ship as long as they are bigger than a square mile.

Mario: Well...ours is five, so we are fine, right?

Pronged: The arms can handle up to six, so yes, you are fine.

He then turns to face out the massive window towards the planet in front of them, his demeanor seeming to change.

Pronged: I hope your ready for his, Mario. And I hope you know what you're about to get into.

Mario: Trust me, I do, and I'm willing to sacrifice it all to get her back.

Pronged: That may be a little overboard.

Mario: If I die down there, but she gets to come up here, I will accept that.

Desti: No, Mario. You don't want that.

Axol: And even if there is a chance for that happening, it won't, because you're not going down there alone.

Mario: I thought you were staying up here, Axol.

Axol: Why would I stay up here when my friend is down there?

Mario: So I guess this means I'm not going alone?

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