Chapter 7: Dark Matter

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Day 5 of lock-in:

This is Meggy Spletzer. It is day 5 of me being locked in this room. I haven't heard from many of my friends other than Mario coming to say hi. I normally try to chat with him for a bit, but he is always shooed off by someone outside the door. The only time someone has ever come inside was to drop off food and water or to check if I was possessed by Traviere.  I haven't heard him since I was locked in here. It's...eerily quiet.
It's starting to get quite lonely in here too. The sound of my own writing is starting to feel like my own voice, I think that's a stage of insanity. It's no better that we are stuck on a remote planet in the middle of nowhere in the universe.
The only times I get to actually hear people is when I hear Luigi and Mario every night laughing together when they get back to their rooms for the night. Every night though, I would wake up around 11:30p.m and go to the door and talk with Mario until 3:00 in the morning. That was always my highlight of my day. I may never get to see him, but it always felt good to hear that I'm not quite alone. I've never told him this, but just hearing his voice makes me feel safe, makes me feel wanted, makes me feel loved.
It hurts me to listen to how much he has tried and tried to beg everyone to let me out of this room. He would always break down and apologize for letting this happen, and I would always tell him that it was okay, and that it wasn't his fault. I just want the time to come where I can leave this room and be with him again. It breaks my heart every night to listen to him cry over me. I wish I could just reach through the door and hold him close, to tell him everything will be alright, and that I love him. I can't describe it any better than this. I hope that I can have him back in my arms soon.

Meggy looked down at what she had wrote and scoffed.

Meggy: (burying her face in her arms) This is pathetic. I can't believe I'm writing in this journal again. I can't believe I trust with my deepest feelings.

She flipped the pages to back before she started writing again. 7-23-18 was the last time she wrote in the journal.

Meggy: Forget it.

She closes the journal without finishing her thoughts and lays down in her bed and lets her mind wander. Wander to what it would've been like to spend time with her friends again. What it's like to spend time out of this confined space. What it's like to spend time with Mario. She thought about what it would be like to venture out on an empty planet and watch an alien sunrise. She smiled a bit at the thought, but her mind then switched to Mario. That hilarious goofball was the one who got her heart pumping when she needed someone. He was the one who made her feel complete.
She thought back to when Mario has asked if they could give their relationship a second try. She remembers being so ecstatic over him asking, but didn't know what to say in fear of breaking his heart.
She gives up thinking about these things after another 20 minutes and decides go to sleep.

At 11:37p.m, Meggy was awoken by a soft knock at her door. She let a smile come across her face and she dashed out of her bed and to the door. She heard Mario's voice coming from the other side.

Mario: How are you doing, Meggy?

Meggy: I'm doing okay, Red. A bit tired, but okay.

Mario: You do sound exhausted, Meggy. Do you want me to leave you to sleep?

Meggy: No.

Mario: (concerned) Is there something wrong?

Meggy: ...No, but I...

Meggy thinks about what she was about to say and battles with herself whether she was absolutely ready or not to say this.

Mario: Uhh. Meggy? You okay in there?

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