Chapter 15: A Convoy of Quantum Pioneers

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???: Please take your time and get to us as soon as you can. We are currently awaiting your arrival. Quantum-1 out.

Mario: Holy shit! They found us!

Meggy: Yes! I can't believe it!

Axol: Are we actually saved!?

Meggy's eyes showed that she was threatening to start crying she was so excited for the message. Mario was overjoyed and jumped around in excitement and Axol quickly made his way to the controls and started setting up the coordinates. Mario then checked the message and saw the send date and his face dropped. Meggy noticed the change in him almost immediately.

Meggy: Red? What's wrong?

Mario: Sent...three months ago.

Meggy slumped back into a seat slowly and Mario too off his hat and set it down tensely. Axol had stopped putting in the coordinates and was looking down with sadness in his eyes.

Axol: Did...Did we miss them?

Mario then suddenly gets an idea and trots over to the old radio that was still by the wall and picked it up and brought it over to the holographic screen.

Meggy: What are you doing? That thing can only broadcast short lengths.

Mario: Not if we amplify the radio waves, we can probably communicate with them right now!

Seeli pops his head out of a bag on Meggy's back and cocks his head towards Mario.

Seeli: How are you going to do that with such...primitive stuff?

Mario: Hey! It's not primitive! And—Wait...what the fuck are you!?

Seeli looks to Meggy.

Seeli: Yeah...did I forget to introduce myself these past few weeks?

Meggy: Yeah, I think you did.

Seeli: Well, my apologies. My name is Seelierchenne. But you may call me Seeli.

He turns back to Meggy.

Seeli: So who is this nutjob?

Mario: Excuse me, but I am the captain of this ship, and if you are wanting to stay-

Meggy: Red! Are you threatening to throw him off the ship!?

Mario: What!? No!

Seeli: Yeah, nice cover.

Mario: What even are you?

Seeli: I am something like a bird mixed with a hyper-intelligent being.

Mario: *sarcastically* That's very obvious.

Meggy: Seeli...Come on.

Seeli: What? I told him what I was!

Meggy: He's...different.

Mario: Meggy!

Meggy: What?

Mario: I heard you.

Meggy: Sorry. *to Seeli* He needs a different description.

Axol: Okay, it's an alien bird that can speak English. That enough?

Mario: I'll take it.

He turns back to the bird that was resting on Meggy's shoulder.

Mario: How did you even get aboard?

Seeli: Don't ask me. We were teleported here with you guys onto the Basroil. *muttering* Man that was huge.

Quantum: The Complete SeriesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz