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I guess it's getting hard to keep a track of what special powers the cast have so here's a list to make things clear....

Eloise : can manipulate emotions and feelings.

Ileana : can see  hints of future just in bits.

Ace and Rex : can teleport when together.

Quinn :  multilingual,  can understand every creatures as well as animals.

Lena : Is kind off an archeologist,  she knows about creatures and their languages a bit.

Flynn : a hardcore learner. He likes to keep a tap on the whereabouts of every supernatural being.

Dave : has special medical knowledges.

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Eloise :

" Is walking the only way? " Dave asks us for the hundredth time now.

Quinn groans in response to his question and says, "Well we're in the deep part of the The Congo Basin , it is Africa's largest contiguous forest and the second-largest tropical rainforest in the world. Covering about 695,000 square miles, this swamp-struck tropical forest covers portions of Cameroon, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of CongoRepublic of the Congo, Equatorial Guinea and Gabon-"

" Enough blabbering Wikipedia. " Ace cuts in.

" How long Ellie? " Ace asks me.

" Still few miles to go,  if you guys want we can take a break after crossing the river. " I suggested and everyone chorused yes.

The environment here was soothing and calming,  perfect place for a supernatural beings to survive for lifetime.  We all tend keep a close distance to environment. It makes us healthy and strong.

" Do you think it will be a success? " Austin asks,  now coming to stand beside me.

Behind I see my siblings to put  a tend and fire as its getting dark now. We've walked whole day.

" I don't know anything for sure. What I'm doing and how, is still unsure!  Will I be successful in my mission don't know but I will try my hardest to keep the innocent lives safe. " I answer him what my mind was filled with.

I was unsure about so many stuff but still sure about one thing, that I won't give up before trying my best.

Austin drapeds a coat over my shoulder.

" It's getting chilly here. Come on let's sit near the fire. " we're hot blooded. Cold doesn't effects us much but still I guess it's the efforts that count. I grab his extended hand and walk over to my siblings.

" There's no network Here. " Quinn groans. All this girl do is complain.

She's a blogger. She loves to blog about Everywhere she goes .

" You can just record it and post later? " Dave suggest her and the girl bounces up.

" I'll go make one near the river. "

We all chuckle at her enthusiasm.

Everyone was busy with eating the rabbit they've caught and laughing about God knows what,  boys.

Suddenly I felt a twig snapped behind me and I realized we're been watched.

I mindlinked Ace and Dave.

Be alert!  Some uninvited guest have arrived at the party.

They continue to laugh and blabber but I know it's just so that we keep pretending of not hearing them.

" Aaahhhhhh. " we all stand in protective stance once hearing the piercing sound of Quinn's scream.

" Quinn.!!!!!! "

Suddenly we see her turning into her wolf form and I confirm that they creatures are not friendly.

" Looks like we're going to have some more meat Tonight, baby. " Dave chuckles before turning into his wolf.

I look up to the rustling of trees and found the one creatures I was running away from.

" Ellie,  behind you. "

I was about react when another wolf pushes the Vampire down to soil and breaks it's neck in two before tossing it to fire.


Looking I see everyone is fighting with vampires,  even Flynn,  Rex,  Lena,  Andrew and rest of the warriors are here.

Austin was attacked by three at a time and he was fighting effortlessly.

A vampire runs towards me and I feel the emotion pain,  it falls to the ground,  groaning loudly,  it's screams making everyone stop at their place.

I feel the anger I've felt for all these years because of a certain person of this creatures and put it all to the vampire in front of me. Surging all my energy into it.

The vampire shouts his ears falling off and blood rushing out of his mouth and nose,  still I couldn't control my emotions and my power keeps pushing inside him and then it stops.

I'm pushed back and fall to the ground.

I gain control over my head and emotions. Fuck this. My head hurts like hell.

" You are still a little nagging and annoying,  little girl. "

I so wanted to hide the emotions,  stops the fucking smile from growing on my face,  make my legs freeze so I wouldn't have turned to ran in the arms of the man,  stop my hands from clutching the Vampire in front of me tightly and the most important to stop myself from recongnising him.

I have tried years and years to forget him but to no avail. One sentence and I'm hugging close to my supposed enemy and the killer creature of my mates family.

I could hear the questions of my siblings in my head and see my mate shocked and hurt.

Betrayal oozing off him.

" Bronx "

Thank you

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