reality check-1

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Austin ( yeahhhhhhhhh ) :

My eyes opened in a closed space which just had black walls all around me and not a single soul in sight .

Then it finally clicked I was kidnapped . That's thought alone is so amusing , a werewolf Alpha being kidnapped !

Like what the hell is going on with my lif- !!

Eloise ! Oh God ! Did they took her as well ?

" Eloise ! Eloise !'' my hands started to desperately search for the doors or any openings to look for my mate .

She's safe , Austin !

Never did I felt so relieved after hearing something . I dragged my back down the wall and a sigh of relief left me .

Well at least she's safe , I can endure it all as long as I know she's safe . Alex better keep her safe or I'm killing some vampires later .

Suddenly the door opens from somewhere and in comes two shadows . I don't resist them . It's of no use , they have already made me weak and have control over my shadow there's almost no point fighting them off so wait there patiently for them to approach.

" Your presence is been asked !" They say in almost ghost like whisper which was creepy as hell but that didn't bothered me .

I let them drag- carry me out to the shabby looking floor with leaking walls . This placed reeked of gutter and dirt . I almost gagged at some point . I don't know what they plan to do or where am I taken off too but all I know is I've to hold on and find a way to get out of here .

Eloise must be worried sick .

I was thrown at a ground and I could hear faint whispers. This was creepy as hell .

Suddenly the whole room went dark . I could not see anything, for a moment I thought I lost my eyesight but then again that can't be happening. I tried hard and hard to hear anything, even the faintest sound but even with my werewolves hearing I couldn't .

Suddenly I felt a presences behind me and then in front of me . It was circling me around .

To fight a known enemy is easy but how am I supposed to fight with a person I barely know about? I don't even know what powers they posses .

" One good thing you're !" I heard the faintest almost inaudible sound exactly near my ear .

I shrieked in surprise .

" I was disappointed when you were brought in place for the werewolf Princess !"

The mere mention of Eloise and the thought of them kidnapping her and bringing her here was enough to boil my blood but I kept myself in control for the sake of returning back to her safely .

" But I'm sure shell come back for you ! Let's see how long does she takes ! " Wind burst past me and I was utterly confused at the location of the speaker .

" Just let her come , shell be a dead meat in no time !"

" You're not touching a hair on her head if you do , I'll rip you in pieces !" I shout in the darkness not sure if anyone heard me or not .

There was loud laughing sound resonating around the place and the volume kept getting higher and higher , my ear drums we're about to burst .

" Austin!!!" That voice . I can recognize that voice in Sea of thousands or millions of people. The voice I fell in love with when I heard it for the first time . The voice that's supposed to bring smile on my freaking face was now the reason of fear gripping in my heart , making my heart beat to escalate.

" Eloise......."

" I'm here ! I'll save you . Who had the guts to kidnap MY MATE ? Show yourself coward !!!"

Her voice was like a true Princess . Like how a Royal should speak . I'm surely proud of her but the thought of her being in danger to protect me was already eating my guts inside out .


Thank you


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