I remember the old times I remember you

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While yes Namjoon was more or less getting iced out of the pack, he had one thing going for him. He still had his spot in the pack bedroom, he still had his place in the nest. Even if nobody wanted to lie close to him, meaning that it had been a very long time since he had gotten any form of cuddles, he still had his spot. He was just happy that he at least got to sleep close to them. Sleeping close to all their mixed scents helped to calm him, even if he wasn't as close as he wanted to.

Jungkook's rut had been a low point for them as a pack, none of the alpha's had wanted to talk about the 72 hours spent together, but Namjoon could sense how something had changed between. Luckily for them, after everything Jungkook seemed to be an excellent decent alpha, while it seemed that something was lurking on edge, he was still okay. He had to be.

Namjoon was ashamed of his actions after the rut, as the rut had finally stopped, the members of the BTS pack had gone out of dinner to celebrate having a new pack members, leaving Namjoon behind. They hadn't changed any of the bedding, strong peppermint scent still lingering in it, and Namjoon couldn't help but sneak in there and bury his face in it.

As the calming and potent scent of the pack ran over him, he finally felt home again. Namjoon could almost cry with how happy he was, he had felt so stress lately and he couldn't get it out of him, but this helped. This finally calmed him down, the scent of his pack helped.

That was how Namjoon developed a system, while yes he never got scented by the other member of the pack, and they never hugged him or cuddled him anymore, this was a good middle ground. He would steal some of their sleep shirts, and use them to get a whiff of his loved ones scents. Namjoon wished that BTS would cuddle up closer, instead of lying so far from each other, it was hard to get more than one of two members scent from each of the cloth he stole.

He always had to wash them after, making sure that his scent wasn't stuck on the cloth, but it was so worth it. With all the voices continually screaming in his mind, the scent of his pack all around him finally made them shut up. That was how he felt that he could go on, the nest smelt like them and the cloth his stole made it bearable, he could do this.

Nothing ever worked out how Namjoon wanted it to when he finally got comfortable with his position, or none existing position in the pack, misfortune struck again. This time that misfortune came in the form of Yoongi sitting him down a Friday 3 weeks after Jungkook presentation, first Namjoon just thought it was about a song or anything like that. It was usually the only reason that Yoongi sought him out, luckily he was still useful for that.

"Namjoon we need to have a chat" the younger rapper could feel the panic starting in his chest, spreading around his body forcing him to freeze in position... No... they couldn't kick him! He... belonged here! Right? He was needed for BTS!

Yoongi seemed to take Namjoon's none answer as an offer to take the space next to him, even if he did sit as far away from Namjoon as possible on the small couch, "This is about the nest, you know after Jungkook presented we have found out that he is very sensitive towards scents and he is struggling to sleep right when you are there. It's not fair to him that he has to struggle like this, the rest of us can ignore it, but it is messing up his sleep schedule. So we agreed that it would be much fairer if you slept in one of the other bedrooms." The way he phrased it made one thing very clear, this was not a suggestion.

It was like the world around him stopped for a few seconds, he was being kicked out of the nest? No ... He needed to be there! It kept the nightmares and thoughts away, it kept the voices at bay, "Yoongi that isn't fair!" He protested.

The mint haired male just looked unimpressed at him "we both know this is for the best, we can all sleep better when your scent isn't there, and it not like you care anyway."

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