You should know by now, You flipped my body and heart upside down

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When Namjoon woke up, all he wanted to do was whine and fall back to sleep. He was so comfortable. Soft chatter he couldn't distinguish was providing soft white noise in the background, and a soft hand was running through his hair petting him. The thigh he was using as a pillow was warm, but firm just how Namjoon preferred his pillows. He had his legs on something, no that wasn't right, on somebody if Namjoon's sensory feelings were right, because somebody was petting his thigh and running small figures on it.

Yeah, Namjoon was comfortable, and that was without him getting started on all the scents surrounding him. The one closest to him was so good. One of the best feelings in the world is falling asleep in freshly washed sheets, and this scent was just like that. Just like when after a long day, your freshly washed bedding settles over you, and you feel safe and sound, ready to ignore the everything around you. You feel like nothing can touch you. That was how Namjoon felt. He just knew that nothing could hurt him at that moment.

There were other scents that mixed as well, all around him, sweet blueberries and candy apples giving Namjoon something familiar to attach himself to. Other than those, there were two stronger scents of leather and chilli that really had no right to mix as well with the two sweeter scents as they did. They mixed together like all of these scents were meant to be, like they couldn't exist without the others, like the idea that they had ever would be a joke.

The scents, combined with the soft petting, were doing their best to try and pull Namjoon back into the realms of sleep. He wanted to answer sleep's call so badly, but there was that annoying buzzing of responsibility that he also felt the need to follow. Slowly, oh so slowly, he fought open his eyes, blinking sleepily. He woke up staring into the face of Jiyong who was sitting in a beanbag on the floor having a quiet conversation with whomever Namjoon was sleeping on. Youngbae, his brain sleepily reminded him, he was sleeping on Youngbae.

As soon as Jiyong noticed that Namjoon was awake, he stopped his conversation to smile at Namjoon. Jiyong looked so... soft, Namjoon couldn't do anything other than just blink a few times confused. The alpha had clearly taken a shower after his bits bumping with Seunghyun. His soft pink hair was hastily dried and still looked damp. The tight skinny jeans and jacket from earlier had been replaced with a pair of loose shorts, and a hoodie that Namjoon was pretty sure did not belong to him unless Jiyong loved sweater paws. Which if that was the case, Namjoon couldn't blame him for it. He himself had been known to buy his hoodies a little too big so he could get to have sweater sleeves.

Overall Jiyong looked fucking adorable, and Namjoon kinda wanted to just hug him. Well, that wasn't just because he was cute, but also because Namjoon felt that he couldn't thank the older alpha enough.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty." Jiyong still kept his voice soft, clearly not wanting to startle Namjoon too much, "I hope you slept well."

All Namjoon could do was nod. He suddenly felt the gaze of everybody's eyes on him. He became very aware of that fact that everybody was gathered in the room and had their eyes on him. He suddenly felt shy and worried that he looked too terrible after his nap.

Jiyong just grinned at him, before somebody kicked at the Big Bang leader. This ended with him falling off the beanbag he had perched himself on, effectively wiping the grin off his face and instead of replacing it with a scowl as he stared up at Daesung. Daesung had moved into Namjoon's point of view, and he was also wearing a scowl. The alpha and omega stared at each other for a second, before Jiyong straight up just pouted, "You didn't have to kick me."

Daesung just put his hands on his hips staring expectantly at the older alpha with a raised eyebrow and a judging facial expression. This led Jiyong to sigh before turning his attention back to Namjoon, "I am sorry. I was the one who brought you home, and I should have been treating you better instead of running off. I am supposed to be the adult." He turned back to Daesung, scowl back on his face. "Are you happy now?!"

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