Please, somebody help me! Oh god, my ghost

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To say Jungkook was conflicted, would be to put it lightly. It had been 3 days since their big I talk, and he was still avoiding Yoongi like he was the plague. He knew that he should sit down and talk with the older alpha, of course, he knew he should, but fuck it was so hard. So instead he decided to push it away, to just ignore everything and solve his other issue, that was... okay still terrifying, but easier to deal with.

That issue was Yugyeom.

Jungkook wanted his friend back, he wasn't sure he deserved his friend back, but god he wanted Yugyeom back. Of course, it had taken multiple conversations with Namjoon, Hakyeon and Taekwoon before he actually managed to gather the confidence to do it. He was about to pussy out of it once more, until he had to dodge a group dinner with the rest of his group. Jungkook knew that the rest of BTS would use it as an opportunity to push him into talking to Yoongi, and he was not gonna have any of that, so he just said he had to talk with Yugyeom that night.

That was enough to get the rest of BTS to happily agree to let him stay behind, Jimin, who had become much happier the last few days had kissed him on the cheek, promising to bring food back to him. The rest of BTS had hugged him goodbye as well, other than Yoongi that had just given him a sad nod as a goodbye.

Jungkook's stomach made uncomfortable twists on itself, it reminded him of how he should talk to Yoongi and how everything depended on him forgiving Yoongi. No, no, no! He couldn't think about that, he refused to think about it, not at that moment, that would be something he had to do later!

He could just... not do anything, and pretend Yugyeom didn't pick up the phone, but he had started to realise that in the kpop world there had to be something called leader magic cause both Namjoon and Hakyeon would know he was lying.

Throwing himself in his bed, Jungkook rang up Yugyeom before he could regret it, it had been so long, but he would still put the other in his favourites everything he got a new phone, and he had even asked Namjoon if the number was still right.

One ring, no answer, two rings, no answer, as it hit the fourth ring Jungkook was starting to hope that maybe Yugyeom wouldn't answer at all, he knew that Namjoon had said the other alpha wasn't angry with him, but the fear was still right there with Jungkook.

Then the phone was picked up and a hesitant "Kookie?" was heard, Yugyeom's voice hesitant, like he didn't actually believe that he was talking to Jungkook "is everything okay?"

Jungkook's throat tightened up, and he felt like he couldn't speak or breathe, fuck was what he suppose to say? What could he even say? Fuck fuck fuck fuck, he didn't know what to say.

He hadn't realised how long he had been silent until Yugyeom once again spoke up "Kookie? Are you there? I can hear you breathing, I know you didn't butt dial me, are you okay?" he didn't sound mean or even angry, he just sounded worried, which in turn just made Jungkook feel even more panicked.

"Gyeomie... "it was the only word that Jungkook could get out, he knew that he should say something, speak up... do something, but his brain refused to work. It was already hard to talk to BTS, who were the people he had known for some many years, most of them also been part of this fucked up pack, but Yugyeom had been innocent and had in no way deserved Jungkook's anger.

Yugyeom deserved so much better, but Jungkook wanted his friend back so badly.

The dancer didn't seem taken aback, and his voice was warm when he spoke up "it's good to hear from you again, Joonie said you might call me, but I was starting to lose hope, I missed you." the warmth of his voice was enough to almost melt Jungkook from the inside, he didn't deserve this, he didn't deserve Yugyeom's niceness, he didn't deserve for this man that he had hurt, to treat him like this.

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