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If you have stumbled across this book there are some things we would like you to know.

1. This is our first book, so beware if our sentences are worded weirdly or if there are a couple of grammar mistakes. We would like to apologize in advance.

2.  There are two writers for this book. We are going by bangtan_crack house however, if you want to address us for questions just calls us author 1 and author 2. 

3. This idea sounded great in our heads we really don't know if you guys are going to like it. We tried really really hard to make it sound interesting. We try to keep the balance between serious and funny parts.

4. Please let us know if the story is confusing, we will try to clarify it for you guys.

5. Some may feel that the book starts off slow, we promise that the story does get really good after the first couple of chapters.

6. We try to make the chapters long, but not too long. So you know you guys don't miss us that much and hopefully, it takes you a while to finish it.

7. Lastly, we really hope that you enjoy the book and for legal reasons, we are to say that this story and it's events have never happened. For those who might take it seriously,please don't read. We won't tolerate your childishness.

Thank you and have fun,

- Bangtan_Crackhouse

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