Taehyung POV

I walk around the dealership and inspect the cars. A few other customers are walking around as well. Considering it is the middle of the day, the dealership is less packed than it would usually be. The dealership's walls are completely made out of glass and the floor is white and shiny. I know I want a decent-sized car, not too small but a little bigger than average. I prefer cars with a common color, a color that will make me proud to drive my engine. I continue to inspect, trying to find a car that feels like home. Immediately, one catches my eye; a gey Lexus NX.

Not only is it sleek and sturdy, but it is also my favorite color.

I walk over to it and look at the description stand.

Nice features.

I then open the door and start to inspect the inside of the vehicle.

Sleek and modern, my style.

I hop out of the car and look for a salesperson. After a couple of moments, I see one walking in my direction with a blue tailored suit and brown slick back hair. The man I wave him over and he makes a face before changing into a false smile. He says something to his colleague and walks to me.

What the fuck is he making that face for?

"Hello, how are you today sir?" The man asks with a commercial smile.

"I'm doing well," I reply.

"Splendid. Now tell me, sir, are you lost?"


"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Tell me, where are you supposed to be?" He clarifies.

I don't understand....

"Excuse me?" I question one more time in an attempt to understand this weird situation.

"You don't have to be embarrassed, it happens to everyone. Let me help you." He says as if he is speaking to a child.

What the hell is this man talking about?

"I am here to buy a vehicle." I try to clarify.

"Are you sure?" He raises a brow.

No, I just came here for my health. Of course, I'm sure!! What kind of salesman is he?

"Yes." I voice, trying not to let my annoyance slip out.

"You would like to buy a vehicle here?" He asks, looking me up and down skeptically.

What does he mean by that?

"Is there an issue?" I inquire. He looks me up and down.

Do I have something on me or something? I don't see anything wrong....

"Pardon my manners, but do you think you can afford it here?" He speaks to me as if I am out of place; like I don't belong. Similar to a rag in a chest of riches.

How does he know that?

"I walked in here to buy a car"

"You don't look the part."

Oh, he's saying I look poor! Is this what money does to people?

I look down at my attire. I am wearing a simple white tee and jeans. Over my tee is a waxed cotton jacket and I am wearing classic high top black and white converse.

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