Chapter 20

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After an in-depth discussion between the producers and group managers, they had all concluded to continue filming 'Seoul Searching' as Changkyun and Hyebin had denied dating each other and signed a contract to say there were not dating and would not date for as long as they appeared on the show. They both couldn't deny they were a little bothered by it but they were both professionals and this was their job. so they continued on, pushing away any lingering feelings especially from the previous night when they had hugged and comforted one another.

Before they knew it, a few weeks had passed and the last episode of 'Seoul searching' Season 1 was in the process of filming. An event had been organised for each of the couples to say goodbye to each other, however, the producers refrained from any big goodbye's as the show was doing very well so it was currently in talks of running a second season. Either way, it was sure to be emotional for both the viewers and the idols who had spent time with one another and formed bonds.

"Namsan tower-" Hyebin's eyes gleamed brightly under the moonlight as she gaped in awe at the tall building in front of her. "I've never been."

"Me neither, I haven't actually been around Seoul before properly." Changkyun stated, taking a quick glance at her then back at the building.

"Where are you from?" Hyebin asked, holding hands with Changkyun as they walked in together.

"Gwangju but I've also lived abroad." Changkyun replied, holding out both their tickets to the staff member so they could enter the building.

"Wow, I'd love to go abroad." Hyebin sighed. "I'm from Ansan, it's quite big but it has rural vibes. A lot of nature and fishing. Or maybe I only think that because my dad always went to places like that."

"Do you know anyone who is famous from your city?" Changkyun asked. "A lot of famous people are from Gwangju but I've never met any. Even some of my own members lived in the same city as me but I've never saw them."

"Korea is so small yet so big," Hyebin chuckled. "I knew Kang Seulgi of Red Velvet. We weren't close friends and didn't talk much but she was really friendly. If you said hi on the street, she would say hey back and smile."

"I like Red Velvet, I can do the dumb dumb dance, wanna see?" Changkyun came to a halt, raising his eyebrow at her.

"Here?" Hyebin giggled as he had already released her hand and started dancing. "Please-"

"Can't handle my moves?" Changkyun bit down on his lip, concentrating on the steps as if it was a real performance.

"Changkyun!" Hyebin tugged on his arm, moving him out the way from people trying to get past. "I think that's enough dumb dumb for today."

"I won't stop!" He grinned happily. "You'll have to make me!"

Hyebin sighed, shaking her head with a small smile. Within a second, she had made a plan. Reaching out, she grabbed Changkyun's arms to stop them from thrashing about and then wrapped her arms around him, moving her arms up around his neck once his arms stopped moving about. This time Changkyun reacted instantly, wrapping his arms around her too.

"Well that's a way to stop me I guess," Changkyun joked, pulling away after a few seconds so they could continue to the lift.

"And if it gets more chaotic do I have to kiss you to stop you?" Hyebin questioned in a joking manner, making him laugh.

"Most likely," He nodded.

"You-" Hyebin pointed at him. "better not pull anymore more chaotic moves tonight or else I will leave you to dance to dumb dumb all night."

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