Chapter 48

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The next day

Lina stood in awe, her jaw open slightly in surprise as she watched a certain white boy at the entrance of the school. There he stood, talking with some woman that she'd never seen before. She couldn't believe it...Theo was alive.

He was just standing there, conversating with some woman as if what happened yesterday never happened. He looked fine, relaxed even. She didn't flinch when he turned around suddenly, making eye contact with her. His small smile fell immediately as he turned and walked away with the woman next to him.

She immediately collected herself and ran into the school to look for Liam. She ran the halls turning her head left and right like a mad woman. She bumped into several people, shoving them harshly to get them out of her way.

She finally reached Liam's locker, her harsh breath could practically be heard throughout the entire school.

"Lina?" Liam asked, patting her shoulder. She was slightly bent over, clutching her belly as her breathing relaxed," Is something wrong?"

"Theo—He's. Oh my god, I can't breath—give me a second," Lina panted, standing up straight. She took a couple deep breaths before speaking up," Theo is.."

"Hey Liam." Theo said from behind him. Liam froze in disbelief. The disbelief immediately dissolved when he saw the man before him, being replaced with relief and...fear?

"You're...You're alive. How? We saw you get dragged away. I thought that thing killed you. What happened? How did you manage to get away?" Liam questioned quickly.

"What do you mean? Chased?" Theo asked confusedly.

Lina and Liam faced each other. Why didn't he remember what happened? Did his friends remember? Was it a scheme to get them to spill the beans on where they went yesterday? Liam wasn't sure. Theo had a genuine look of confusion on his face, so maybe he just really didn't remember. do you forget getting dragged around the woods by a gigantic monster. Something was definitely wrong.

"Theo?..Theo?!" Tracy shrieked, running to him," Oh my god you're alright! You two! What the fuck was that thing? I know you two psychos had something to do with this! You're lucky Theo wasn't hurt!" Tracy stopped talking when Theo grabbed her arm harshly, staring into her eyes.

"Come with me and I'll explain." Theo smiled, dragging her along with him.

"Wait, you're hurting me." Tracy winced as Theo dragged her away.

"What the fuck was that about?" Adryan asked, walking up to the pair.

"Where have you been?" Lina asked

"I told you I had to come in early today. The team meeting was this morning for some new volleyball players. We have a game coming soon."

"Already?" Liam opened his locker," It's barely the first week of school."

"That's what I said. I'm excited, though. So, what's up with those two?" Adryan asked

"That was Theo." Lina said

Adryan looked between the two of them, his eyes widening," Oh... so he isn't dead." He turned around, seeing Theo at the end of the hall talking to Tracy and Josh. More like him scolding them for some reason.

"He was pretending like he didn't know what happened." Lina commented when Adryan opened his locker

"I don't think he was pretending. He looked genuinely confused." Liam said

Lina rolled her eyes," Please don't tell me you're that naive."

"I'm not." Liam argued

"Really? You want to know how I know he's lying?" Lina asked, crossing her arms

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