Chapter 13

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Third person POV:

"You're the one with your claws out already, so just do it." Stiles said

"But, I thought only a Hale can open this door?" Malia said, confused

Scott and Stiles looked at each other and then back at Malia

"Woah, why'd your heart rate pick up? Am I?" Malia smiled," No way! I'm a Hale? Why didn't you tell me sooner."

Scott and Stiles looked relieved

Peter's your dad, Scott thought. He didn't dare say it aloud though.

"I'm not mad you guys, it's fine. My family tree is already confusing, so it doesn't really matter." Malia said as she proceeded to twist the handle with her claws to open the door

"Wow, they really built the high school over a vault." Kira said

"Actually, the vault was here first." Stiles said

Kira gave him a look," That's what I said."

"Sorry Kira, I'm just nervous."

Scott walked around to see the whole vault.

Liam stayed against a wall. The feeling of fatigue had passed. Now he could not get his fangs to go away

"Maybe you should go up there, to see what's going on." Scott suggested

"Ian's on that, I could just text him." Stiles said, pulling out his phone. He groaned as he rubbed his hand over his face," Or not... signals gone."

He walked over to the door, " Alright, I'll be back."
"What's that?" Liam asked

"What's what, pup?" Scott came to sit beside him

"That smell. It smells really good."

"Yeah, I smell it too." Malia said

She looked around the room. She followed her nose to see where the smell was coming from. Her eyes landed on a jar with some sort of plant in it.

She picked it up," This is it, I think."

"What do you think it does." Kira asked curiously

"Don't know, don't care." Malia said flatly, putting the jar back down
20 minutes later

Stiles had been wandering at this point, he couldn't find Ian. A headache was approaching and he could feel it.

He rubbed his eyes as his body came into contact with somebody.

"Dude, watch where you're going." The other boy said, getting up and dusting himself off

"Oh, you're that kid who passed out our test. What's your name? Um....."


"Stiles." Stiles said back, smiling

"Yeah." Adryan said awkwardly

"Have you seen Ian? Hes about this tall, brown hair." Stiles motioned with his arms

"Um.. no, sorry. He and that other boy, Liam, disappeared a while ago. I've been looking for them for a while now."

"Shit thanks any-" Stiles coughed loudly. He wheezed as he started to cough uncontrollably.

"Woah, are you okay? Do you need to get one of those doctors?" Adryan asked, patting Stiles' back

"Doctors? What Doctors?" Stiles choked out

"Well..More like people in suits. The CDC is here. They think it's an outbreak."

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