Chapter 51

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Tracy walked down the halls, seeing her dad staring at her. His eyes were afraid, confused, but alert. His head was whipping side to side quickly as he appeared to try and sink into the wall. She can see tears brimming in his eyes as she got closer, closer, closer

"Dad? What's wrong? Where's mom?" Tracy whispered, putting a hand on his trembling shoulder. She shrieked and fell backwards as her dad looked up at her, his eyes gone, replaced by dark, hollow holes with blood pouring out of them

"Where is she?! Where is she?! You killed her! You bitch! She's gone because of you! She got sick because of you!"

Tracy's eyes tears up as she crawled to him, grabbing his hand," I'm sorry, I know you miss her. I love you just as much as she did, please I—"

Tracy reeled her head back as her father slapped her harshly on the face. He grabbed her by the throat, slamming her body against wall.

"Kneel." He spat

"Dad please I-"

"I said kneel, you bitch!" He yelled, punching her in the face this time. He punched her in the abdomen, shoving her to her knees.

He grabbed her face as she cried and screamed. He tried to rub her face in a way that was supposed to come off as affectionate, but instead was making her skin crawl.

"Just help daddy and everything will be fine, Tracy." He cooed maliciously. Tracy yelled as he slapped her again, her body feeling numb when blood splattered on her face.

She closed her eyes as her father's body flopped onto the floor, a bullet wound right in his head. Theo was left standing, a gun in his hands

"Theo?" Tracy whispered, keeping her eyes shut. She knew it was him, from his breathing, to his smell, to the sounds of his footsteps

"It's me, Tracy. I'm here, you will be alright."


"You're changing her memories?" Theo asked the woman beside him

"No. I'm simply using her past trauma to make you appear as her saviour." The woman answered

They both watched as Tracy tossed and turned, sweat creasing her forehead as her dream gave her the urge to scream. She gripped her pillow, whimpering as her heart was racing.

The woman smiled," This way it'll be easier for you to bring her to me. Powers are better received when the host is coming by their own free will."



Lydia walked next to Scott towards the lockers. It had been a peaceful two days, thankfully. She had recovered almost immediately at Scott's house. She had told them everything, to the woman's name and....actually...that's all she really knew. She couldn't even get a good look at her before passing out.

She had decided not to tell Scott about her suspicions with Allison just yet, to observe her a bit more.

"You need help?" Scott asked Lydia, taking her bag from her.

She smiled,"I'm not helpless you know. I feel fine, it's been like, two days already."

"Alright, alright. I'll still carry your bag though." Scott smiled

"So how's Liam?"

Scott looked at her, smiling and looking away quickly," What do you mean?"

Lydia laughed, smacking his arm lightly," I know you two got back together."

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