Chapter 66

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Melissa monitored Isaac. A bit creepy in her opinion, but she was anxious for him to wake up. Scott wasn't answering her calls and neither was Stiles. Nor was Lydia. She needed to know what was going on, where everybody was and what they were doing. Maybe Isaac knew the answer, maybe he didn't, but he obviously knew something. Maybe Scott was all right?..right?

His heart rate was steady, he was stabilized now. Everyone would start asking questions, considering the fact that he's still alive despite how much rubble had been over his body during  the crash. Her eyes gleamed with hope as Isaac moved, the light in her eyes dying when she realized he only turned away from her before calming down.

"Come on, Isaac. I need you to wake up." She mumbled. She rubbed her hands over her knees before signing and standing up. Moments later, her phone rang loudly, startling her.

She answered quickly once she saw the calller ID," Chris? Hello! Thank god you called me, Isaac is—"

"I know," Chris interrupted," You're in, right?"

Melissa switched the phone to her other ear," Yeah why?"

"I need you out front in about 15 seconds, I've got a kid who's dying." Chris said before ending the call abruptly.

Melissa moved the phone away from her ear, staring at it for a couple seconds. In confusion. What he said finally registered as she turned and sprinted out of Isaac's room.


She stepped off the elevator, speed walking to the entrance to avoid stumbling into someone. She barely turned the corner when Stiles came rushing in, a boy bloodied and beat up in his arms.

"Melissa! Help me! He's not breathing!" Stiles yelled. Derek and Chris came running in behind him.

Melissa motioned for two other nurses to help her, instructing Stiles to carefully put Adryan onto the stretcher. The other nurses examined his injuries quickly.

Stiles tried to walk with the nurses as they wheeled Adryan away when Derek pulled him back.

"Get off me!" Stiles growled. Derek's grip on his arm only tightened

"Relax," Derek growled back," He's going to be okay, Stiles."

Stiles was about to pull himself again,listening to Melissa's next words

"Give me some room!" He could hear Melissa yell as they continued to wheel Adryan towards the elevator," All right he has a deep wound to the lung. Air leakage is to be expected and from the looks of it there's a significant amount of blood so we might be looking at a hemp-pneumothorax."

"Hey," Derek touched his shoulder softly,"He's going to be fine. I can stay here until he wakes up, right now I need you to call Scott. After everything you said, they might still be in trouble."

"Yeah," Stiles said softly, listening as Melissa and the other nurses continued to run Adryan into an operation room. He tried to ignore the gut-wrenching feeling that crept up on him when he could only hear 3 out of the 4 heartbeats.

He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose before pulling out his phone and dialing Scott.


"I'm okay, thank you." Scott said politely to one of the women offering him a drink, mildly uncomfortable that they barely had any clothing on.

"See something you like?" Jason asked jokingly, his arm around Lina's shoulders.

"Dad." Lina rolled her eyes.

"What?" Jason smiled," He's a handsome man. I can definitely set you up with—"

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