Chapter 8

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Third person POV:

"How much time do we have again?" Chris Argent asked Stiles.

"According to Kira's mom.. 45 minutes." Stiles sighed.

"He's gonna be fine Stiles." Chris said, rubbing his shoulder," We just have to wait to see if the benefactor will show up."

"It's not that I'm kinda uh, just having some relationship problems." Stiles chuckled

Ian had been wanting to go on their first date, but Stiles has been avoiding him. He doesn't want to drag Ian into all of this. He cares about him too much. He feels that maybe they shouldn't be together, but he just doesn't have the heart to tell him.

"Oh well I can't really give you advice on that." Chris joked," I was only with... Allison's mother, so I don't know what to tell you."

"It's a guy either way sooo." Stiles trailed off.

Chris' eyes widened," Yeah and there is nothing wrong with that Stiles, okay?" Chris patted his back.

Stiles huffed," Alright let's go before this gets anymore awkward."

Stiles felt his phone vibrate as Chris walked into the morgue. He answered with a deep sigh.

"Hey Ian."

"Hey Ian!? Hey Ian?!" Ian yelled," Stiles what's going on? You've ignored my texts since the bonfire."

"That was a day ago Ian."

"Yeah but ignoring 15 calls and over 20 texts, Stiles seriously?"

"Ian I can't do this, not right now."

"Then when can we huh? You can't ignore me forever."

" I'll talk to you later okay?"

"Yeah. I'm sure you will." Ian said angrily.

Stiles put the phone back into his pocket as he walked into the morgue
30 minutes left...

Malia's POV:

"How you holding up Liam?" I asked.

He had been fidgeting for the past hour and I was starting to get sick of it.

"Yeah I am, I think I am. I'm sorry Lia I'm just afraid." What if something happens to Scott. Not that I don't trust Kira, I'm just scared that this plan may go wrong. I don't know what I would do if Scott died. He just, he knows how to lead us and I don't know why but I just," Liam sighed," I think I might love him."

I raised my eyebrows," Liam breathe, everything will be fine. I'm here okay, we are all here for you. Scott wouldn't allow himself to die okay. He's strong, he's... amazing. He gives us hope okay. I need you to feel that hope right now. We'll get through this, he'll get through this."

I rubbed his shoulders as I pulled him into a hug. He sighed into my shoulder.

"Besides, Kira can just bring him back if anything goes wrong."

"Um guys.. there's something going on with the cameras on the roof." Kira chuckled nervously

The three of us moved to look at the computer in the middle. Sure enough, static ran over the screen. I sighed. My ears twitched, I picked up the sound of low growling in the distance.

....I know I've heard that before... and... that smell. Where have I smelled that before. No.... from Mexico?.... from school?

"Malia what's wrong?" Kira asked, concern heavy in her voice

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