Chapter 5

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Liam ran down the halls as fast as his feet could carry him. He ran past multiple students, tears stinging his eyes. Ian tried to catch up to him, but with Liam being a werewolf he was alot faster.

Ian stopped and gave heavy breathes. Then Stiles came up behind him and put his hands on Ian's shoulders.

"Give him some time with this. I'm pretty sure Scott left for something other than that."

"I just....He shouldn't be like this." Ian sighed.

Scott was at home. Eating the pizza he heated up. There wasn't really anything interesting on TV. So he just spent his time thinking. Then in the middle of a thought his phone rang.

He picked it up," Hello?"


"Stiles? What's up?"

"Why'd you leave school?" Stiles sounded frustrated.

"Why?" Scott asked.

"Is that him?! Give me the phone Stiles!" Ian shouted from behind him.

"No! Ian chill out!" Stiles shouts as shoving could be heard throught the phone.

"Stiles? What's wrong?" Scott asked getting up.

"It's Liam, Scott. He thinks you ditched school because you didn't want to see him."

Scott stayed quiet for a while. Making Stiles think that he clicked," Scott? Buddy you there?"

"Y-Yeah. I'll uh head back to school."

"Thankyou!" Ian shouted from behind.

"Babe chil-" Stiles didn't finish because Scott ended the call.

Scott grabbed his coat and his keys, before hopping on his bike and heading out. He arrived at the school in under 15 minutes.

He quickly got off and headed inside. He tried to catch Liam's scent. He took a big whiff of the air.

Liam hid in the locker room, the bright side is that he atleast stopped crying. He can smell Scott as soon as he arrived back at school. He didn't want to talk to anyone.

Scott can smell him, and even though the situation is bad enough just smelling his mate--wait did he just call Liam his mate?-- made him smile. He followed Liam's honey scent down the halls and into the lockerroom. There he can hear Liam's shaking breathes and practically taste the saltiness of Liam's dried up tears.

"Liam?" Scott said into the quietness of the room.

Liam lifted his head and tried to stop breathing so Scott wouldn't find him.

"Liam? Please come out." Scott pleaded. He can smell Liam in the room, his honey scent mixed with sadness at the end. Then his ears perked up when he heard shuffling.

Liam came out from behind a lockers," What do you want?" His voice cracked and his lips trembled. Scott smiled and pulled Liam into a hug.

"Liam? Why are you crying?" Scott asked softly.

"Because I thought you didn't want to see me." Liam said into Scott's neck.

"Why wouldn't I want to see you?" Scott asked.

"Because after we kissed you just disappeared."

Scott pulled back and chuckled with a shy smile,"Yeah sorry about that, it's just a senior sort of knocked the wind out've me during practice."

Liam smiled, a real smile not a forced one.

"See that's what I want to see, your smile," Scott grabbed Liam chin," Your smile makes me smile."

Scott pecked Liam on the lips," I do want us to be together okay? I just needed some time to think"

"Us," Liam repeated

Then Scott pressed their lips together again.

"So Lydia?" Malia asked.

"What Malia?" Lydia sighed, she already knew what Malia was gonna ask.

"What do you mean what? You know what i'm gonna ask." Malia smirked.

"No." Lydia said flatly.

"What do you mean no?" Malia frowned.

"I mean no."

"But come on. It's just a bonfire."

"Did you ask Scott?" Kira asked

"No he's not my dad. Besides we're big girls. I mean Kira is a Kitsune."

"Okay why do you need me?" Lydia asked.

"We'll bail the bonfire if you feel someone is going to die." Malia added.

Lydia and Kira faced eachother and then looked at Malia.

"Fine." They both agreed.

Malia clapped her hands together," Good now I just have to make sure Liam is going."

Malia ran off in the other direction.

*****Hey Guys!! Sorry for taking so long to update

Not to mention this isn't a long chapter. Anyhow so there is a bonfire next chapter. Yay!!

And Liam and Scott might get together!!

Chapter 6 next!!*****

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