Chapter 30

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Ian watched through his living room window. He was waiting for the inevitable appearance that Stiles was going to make. He had thought about running and letting the hunters kill the rest of the supernatural here, but he was losing hope. The hunters in this town have killed many of the supernatural, but they were ultimately useless.

Most of the hunters are very inexperienced, only completing the kills because they have an abundant supply of firearms. Ian sighed, anger washing over him. This was such a good plan from the start. He could have let things take care of themselves after he managed to take the money from the vault.

He chuckled, finding it funny how he had gotten this exact plan from Meredith herself. Now that he thought about it, killing her made no sense at this point. He was sure that they knew he was the benefactor. He knew it from the moment they were ambushed by the hunters in the factory. He could practically feel Scott's distrust lingering in the air.

Then there was Lydia catching him at Eichen, probably adding on to the suspicion Scott already had. It was really just a waiting game at that point.

He knew Stiles knew as well. He can feel it, feel that things that changed between them in so little time. That Stiles did not trust him anymore. It broke his heart; he knew they had something special. A type of love that Ian had not felt for awhile, but he had to avenge his mother.

He turned his head as a black camaro parked right infront of his house. He can see Stiles through the window.

So he came alone? Ian thought.

His thoughts were confirmed when Stiles stepped out of the car. He immediately glanced at the window, Ian ducking his head quickly to avoid being seen.

Ian gulped as he can hear footsteps approaching his front door. He quickly crouched by the door. His heat dropped as the doorbell rang

"Ian open the door, I literally just saw you." Stiles yelled as he banged his fist against the door.

Ian sighed, standing up and unlocking the front door. He was really worried about what was about to go down. He was pleading with the gods that he have to hurt Stiles.

Stiles walked in without another word as soon as the door was fully opened. Ian sighed, shutting the door. Stiles went over and sat on his couch, motioning for him to come over once he had gotten back to the living room.

Ian hesitated, fidgeting with the string of his sweater. He really did not know why he was so afraid. He was not afraid of Derek, Malia, shit he wasn't even afraid of did this feel so hard already? They haven't even started talking.

His thoughts were interuppted as Stiles spoke.

"Ian...come here, sit down."

Ian nodded, slowly walking over to the couch. He avoided any form of eye contact on the way there. He cringed as he almost slipped as he lowered himself onto the couch. There was a long moment of silence. Neither of them said anything at all. He could feel Stiles' gaze on his forehead as he avoided his eyes. He continued to play with the string on his sweater to pass the time. They could sit in silence the whole day for all he cared.

"Really? This is what we're going to do? Ian? Look at me." Stiles groaned. He really just wanted the truth. Yes, he should be angry that Ian had played him for so long, but he just couldn't be angry. He hated that this man wanted all of his friends dead for something a death they were not even invovled in.

"Tell me the truth. That's it, Ian. Please, just be honest with me." Stiles demanded. 

Ian finally lifted his head. He froze as he stared into Stiles eyes. He leaned forward, pressing a chaste kiss to his lips.

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