Chapter 20

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"She's in here." Melissa said to her son

Scott nodded to her. Going into the morgue with Malia as his mother patted his shoulder

"So, her autopsy?"

"Well.. we were asked to say it was a suicide. Ultimately, it wasn't. She had severe brain damage and her eardrums were exploded. Also, after they brought her in, I noticed some finger marks on her neck. I was confused because it wasn't included in the diagnosis."

"So it was Ian then?" Malia asked

"Well it could've been, Lydia had said he was the last one to see her. Maybe he did something to her? You said brain damage, right mom?"

Melissa nodded," Her brain had a lot of internal bleeding."

"Was her skull broken?" Scott asked

"Yup, not completely though. The police thought maybe someone cracked her skull open, but her eardrums are way worse than her skull. Practically hung out of her ears." Melissa shook her head in dismay

"Jesus, he really fucked her up." Malia commented

Scott and Melissa glared at her," What? It's true. Look at her."

"How can we pin this on Ian though? Was there anything clear that this was him?"

"The sheriff mentioned something about the door. Meredith's room door. The door was off of its hinges. Those doors are made of steel, yet it was completely off the frame. That alone tells us it wasn't a human who attacked her and whoever it was didn't have permission to be there." Melissa concluded

Scott and Malia nodded," That and Ian is the only one with permission to enter her room."

"Why's that?" Melissa asked

"He's her cousin." Scott replies

"Well then, it could be him. If he has easy access to h— wait I thought you said he was the last person to see her?" Melissa said


"And he didn't see anyone else enter?"

"Maybe he left before the person came in?" Malia asked

"Or maybe he lied to the police. I mean how could he have not seen anyone come in. And who would have any intention of killing Meredith if no one knew she existed in that place before you guys met her." Melissa said, thinking for a minute," Smell her neck."

"What?" Scott exclaimed awkwardly

"Come on." Melissa replied hastily

Scott moved towards Meredith's face looking at her, frowning in discomfort as he moved his face towards her neck

He gulped awkwardly before taking the biggest whiff he could take, the smell of death immediately invaded his senses. He grimaced but continued to smell anyway. There... there it was

Under all that musk of death he can smell his scent. His was extremely, extremely faint but he can smell Ian's musk. He could even smell Meredith's fear. Scott pulled away as a thought popped into his head

"I need to see her memories." He said taking out his claws

"Wait what? Why? Can you smell Ian's scent?" Malia asked

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